所谓的贷款能力澳洲叫Loan serviceability
When a bank calculates your serviceability, they are essentially gauging your ability to pay off a loan. They do this by looking at your income and expenses (among other factors) and determining how much you could comfortably afford to pay.
Based on this information, banks will generate your debt service ratio (DSR). This is how much of your monthly income you can expect to go towards servicing your debt, expressed as a percentage.
说白了就是贷款方(如银行)要看借钱人的finances report, 收入多少支出多少是否能按时还贷款。澳洲鼓励稳定,有高技术能力,长久的打工人,不鼓励投机倒把太激进的风险人士。
那么大家一起讨论下在澳洲如何提高 Loan serviceability吧? 以下是我目前想到的,欢迎纠正和补充
1. 提高社会地位:据我所知符合条件的医生教师有一些贷款优惠,军人也有优惠政策。但是NSW 普通政府工没有优惠
2. 找Permanente工作 100% (3个月payslip)>part time工作 ( 要1年以上) > Casual 工作
3. 工资越高越好 基础薪资算100% > bonus (算2年平均) > commission (算2年的80%)
4. 鼓励买投资房当房东 Investment property rental income 按投资来做能多贷点
5,作为女性 或政府认可你为女性,然后单亲
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