澳洲出租房自己管理 脱开中介有何优点缺点 悉尼LA



中介管理差 不想让 他们管理了

出租房自己管理 脱开中介有何优点缺点,是不是有官方的合同 可以下载 和对方签合同

悉尼 LAING SIMONS CARLINGFORD 这家中介 真是我被恶心到了 , 下次租客该交租金的时间长期 搞错一周 , 我让他改过来  他们听不懂我的算术  这帮笨蛋 数学都是体育老师教的 , 比如 下次租金该 3月2号交  他们楞写成3月十号 ,每次 他都 超前十天, 他的系统错了 他就跟着错 , 自己加法 都不会算  但是 房客是按正常循环交租金的 ,  这个错误的STATEMENT  一直没有机会 让房客 看到 如果看到 他们不是可以 偷一周租金?那样 我就平白少了一周房租 真恶心

我从去年10月就给他说 错了错了 半年了 还没有 改过来  真是恶心

还有没有 通知我 和 经我允许 ,仅仅通知了 租客 就 带着 一个 DETECTOR INSPECTOR 公司 , 进行了
COMMPREHENSIVE service and call out---包括  battery replacement(except inbuilt rechargeable batteries),grill vacuum cleaned(existing smoke detectora) smoke test performormed , decibel test
做之前没有通知我  事后才 给我INVOICE 把我 房租扣了 99 刀 出去

这种 中介很难交流  还是不要为好


Smoke alarm每年检查90+GST是正常价格

Smoke alarm检查 你看看合同上,是不是你自己同意了,忘记了。
用过2家中介都会在合同上问是不是要他们安排smok alarm的检查,一年一次 100左右好像;




我也是99刀 中介发邮件 说是政府规定要保证alarm work,我就让中介去弄了。一年一次,花钱自己方便~

不是悉尼區, 但大概明白 爛中介只收錢不幹活

Alarm : 懂的就懂。不懂就是怕把 fire brigade 弄過來 收費1000

但另一樣 收多費用 及 少收房租就很 難受了
回家緊4上看看中介statement 有沒有算錯。。。


和 土澳流氓答理公司 Strat 管理費用 萬年黑。

座標gold coast

房子上个租约刚结束,一直自己管理,好处是省钱,缺点是费心,尤其是这次租客的洗衣机漏水一年不和我们说,把洗衣房泡的厉害,最后维修要自己找人报价,再去和租客扯皮。 所以接下来找中介管理了



From 23 March 2020, NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.

Requirements for landlords and agents
Where a smoke alarm is not in working order, landlords and agents must ensure the alarm is repaired (this includes replacing a battery) within 2 business days.
Landlords and agents must check smoke alarms every year to ensure they are working.
Landlords and agents must ensure:
smoke alarms are replaced within 10 years of manufacture, or earlier if specified by the manufacturer
batteries are installed or replaced every year (or for lithium batteries, in the period specified by the manufacturer).
Landlords and agents must give at least 2 business days’ notice to inspect or assess the need for smoke alarm repair or replacement, and at least 1 hour notice to carry out repair or replacement of a smoke alarm.
Requirements for tenants
Tenants must notify their landlord or agent if they discover that a smoke alarm is not working (this includes when the battery needs to be changed).
Tenants must notify their landlord when they change a battery in a smoke alarm or engage a licensed electrician to repair or replace an alarm. The different circumstances where a tenant can change a battery or engage a licensed electrician are provided in the table below. This does not apply to social housing tenants.
Responsibilities for certain types of alarms
Below is more information to help landlords and agents understand their responsibilities for different types of smoke alarms, and the situations where a tenant can change a battery in a smoke alarm or arrange for a repair.

Battery-powered alarms
Type of repair        Responsibility in non-strata premises        Responsibility in strata premises
Replace alarm unit        The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord

The tenant may replace the alarm unit or arrange for the unit to be replaced if the landlord or agent does not do this within 2 business days of being notified that the alarm is not working. The tenant must notify the landlord or agent within 24 hours of the work being completed        The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord, unless the Owners Corporation is responsible (this will be indicated in the tenancy agreement)
If the Owners Corporation is not responsible, thetenant can arrange for replacement if the landlord or agent does not do this within 2 business days of being notified that the alarm is not working. The tenant must notify the landlord or agent within 24 hours of the work being completed

Repair alarm unit        Battery operated alarm units should not be repaired unless the repair is changing the removable battery in the alarm

Otherwise, the alarm unit should be replaced        Battery operated alarm units should not be repaired unless the repair is changing the battery in the alarm
Otherwise, the alarm unit should be replaced

Change removable battery        The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord
The tenant can choose to change the battery – they must:

let the landlord know that they will replace the battery
replace the battery within 2 business days
notify the landlord or agent within 24 hours of replacing the battery
The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord, unless the Owners Corporation is responsible (this will be indicated in the tenancy agreement)
If the Owners Corporation is not responsible, the tenant can arrange for replacement if the landlord or agent does not do this within 2 business days of being notified that the alarm is not working. The tenant must notify the landlord or agent within 24 hours of the work being completed

Hard-wired alarm
Type of repair        Responsibility in non-strata premises        Responsibility in strata premises
Replace alarm unit

Repair alarm unit

A licensed electrician arranged by the landlord or agent

The Tenant may engage a licensed electrician if the landlord does not arrange for the work within 2 business days of being notified that the alarm is not working. The tenant must notify the landlord within 24 hours of the work being completed        A licensed electrician:

- arranged by the Owners Corporation if they are responsible (this will be indicated in the tenancy agreement)

- arranged by the landlord or agent if the Owners Corporation is not responsible         
Change removeable back-up battery        The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord
The tenant can choose to change the battery – they must:

Let the landlord know that they will replace the battery
Replace the battery within 2 business days
notify the landlord or agent within 24 hours of replacing the battery
The landlord, agent or person authorised by the landlord, unless the Owners Corporation is responsible
Reimbursement for repairs
A tenant is entitled to reimbursement within 7 days after giving written notice of relevant expenses. The notice must detail the nature and cost of repairs together with copies of receipts or invoices. This does not apply to social housing tenants.


那个smoke alram价格正常, 但是通常strata会检查alram,但电池要房东来搞,你要省钱自己去换应该也行,100块钱发这么大火不至于吧


据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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一个小小的冲动,在west gosford买了房子

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(VIC) 咨询租房安全检查

澳大利亚作为墨尔本的租户,我今天查看并签署了condition report,发现在Information Reforming Safety部分,所有项目(smoker detector、electrical safety、gas safety)的last check date都填N/A。这是个问题吗?一般房 ...



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