有块地,准备building permit时council说新的flood AHD overlay了这块地,虽然planning permit时没这事儿,但现在必须更具新的flood AHD适当修改。
请问各位大神们,在限高的前提下,一般都有什么办法解决flood overlay的case?
是不是有flood barrier system?
可能每个地方不一样,具体你要到COUCIL上去查,网站一般都有怎么声请PERMIT如果你有FLOOD, 我说一下我的例子,我的地也有FLOOD的限制,首先要向水公司声请,水公司会告诉你具体要求,像我的房子的要求是SETBACK 必须6.5米以上,必须垫高750MM以上,还有一些小要求就不说了,每块地不一样,像我朋友就要垫高1。2米以上,对SETBACK没要求,但对侧边有要求。然后得到水公司的批准后,在向COUCIL声请PERMIT,一般水公司批准的话,COUCIL应该是没问题的。
Which council?
What kind of overlay it is?(Floodway Overlay, Special Building Overlay or Land Subject to Inundation Overlay)?
How many units will be built within this land?
Port Phillip.
Flood AHD 3.073m.
Ground Level AHD is below Flood AHD.
6 units.
刚出结果,还在等council development engineer 的处理意见和要求。
目前如果不用其他flood barrier system的话,单纯抬高高度也差不多需要1.2m的。
It seems that there is no floodway overlay in Port Philip city council, let's assume it is a special building overlay (the only Land Management Overlay in Port Philip).
In this case, your ground floor level of the main building has to be increased by 1.2m, which would be a big headache: The overall building height might be more than council's max. requirement, the whole building might exceed the building envelope, some units might be have over-shadow issues, some parking spaces might be lost due to the steeper driveways... Also it will cause much inconvenience to potential buyers and has a negative impact on selling price, just image more than 1 meter level difference between indoor & outdoor areas.
Hope your designer could solve all those issues and get approval from council & water authority, however in the future, either land infill or building on stumps, or other construction methods, will increase the building cost significantly.
So you are right, better to talk to council engineers and other civil engineering professionals to find alternative solutions, unfortunately as this is a Red Tape, what you can do might be quite limited.
Thank you
finger crossed
Do you know the rebuild/development requirements for SBO in whitehorse council? i.e. what is the max building height for double storey house? What is floor level? is it possible for apartment develop in a SBO area?
没有特别的限制,就是参照plannung scheme和sbo的要求。
建筑限高根据所在zone的要求,floor level高出洪水线300mm。
理论上说,只要所在zone允许建apt,就有可行性。但是实际操作上有些地方要多加考虑,例如地下或者底层车库的问题,底层住户的后院排水等等。最好先和council还有civil engineer咨询一下。
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