澳洲Australia property Landlord sued over broken toilet seat Sydney


Landlord sued over broken toilet seat A man has been awarded nearly $1000 in compensation after suing his landlord over a cracked toilet seat, but he is yet to see any money
What a crap outcome
Next lot of breaking news Landlord sues tenant for repair of toilet seat, court rules tenant has a fat ar$e Seriously, you'd think the landlord would simply pay to have it repaired when the issue was first raised Cheaper, easier, and a happier tenant
This case called on a number of precedents, but most key were Number 1 and Number 2
Hahahaha nice
What the hell is with the quot;he's won a judgment but can't find out who the landlord isquot; nonsense Privacy laws are supposed to protect one's privacy from people without a legitimate reason for having information If you've won a judgment, you surely have the right to whatever information is necessary to enforce it Hopefully Terry or thatbum or another lawyer can confirm
You are assuming the fault was reported I had a tenant who refused to report any faults even if it meant that she was taking cold showers in winter! I found out about the faulty hot water system from her dad and had it fixed within 90 minutes I found out some other faults from my new tenants and have had them fixed too I love my new tenants If anything is wrong they send me a text immediately
I can see his point but sheesh the PM should have just arranged it and been done with it If it was me I would have just bought a new seat from Bunnings for $30 and installed it in the 30 secs it takes and been done with it, prob wouldnt have even bothered trying to get my $30 back But then again I am a rational high functioning human and not a drama queen
Not sure if SS'ers are aware that the toilet seat was invented by the Romans however it didn't become popular in the known world until a Scottish slave set about the usual cost saving measure to save on timber and put a hole in the middle of it
Me also Do most of you give PM's a discretionary spending amount before they need to call I guess this would be up around $90 for toilet seat ($15) plus handyman ($85) in Perth
He knows who the landlord is, but they live overseas so they have no aus address for the tenant to serve him with
How can you sue someone if you don't know who they are
That makes much more sense Indeed, yet another thing I found baffling HD_ACE's suggestion that the tenant knows who the landlord is, but can't get money from him because he's outside Australia, makes much more sense Terry, if that's true, wouldn't the tenant be justified in making a claim against the rental income received by the agent on the landlord's behalf (Or, if he were still a tenant, withholding rent)
The newspaper report was that it was an unusual shaped toilet seat and the PM was trying to get one but it had to be imported, hence the delay Chris
If tenant has a judgment he can then get an order to garnish income andor bank accounts and even to sell the property which he is living in
Nice, thanks
Yeah landlords are typically easy to enforce judgments against You know they own a property and you know where it is
I lived in a place a few years ago with some mates, new property, nice area, was paying 850 a week in rent When we moved in there was a cracked toilet seat downstairs, PM said she would get it replaced straight away A month later Nothing Rang her and sent an email, she said she was sorry would get onto it bla blah Another 2 months pass by, wrote a long winded email about how unhygienic it was and how we are paying 850 a week for the service and facilities of a place worth 50 a week Came home from work that afternoon, job done, aswell as some other requests we'd been asking to have fixed for ages It just came down to she was a terrible PM, Im not even sure if the owner knew anything about the repairs that needed doing I would be ******** if it were my property and knowing how long it took for a few cheap, simple repairs Shoulda sued and got my 1000 bux
Heard a story where a tenant complained about an obsolute huge crack in the toilet seat Upon investigation by the PM it was found that steel seat was highly reflective! lolol Tenant was advised not to look down before making contact with seat
What a balls upTenant had eyes in the back of his head
Might wanna check your maths there sonny! pinkboy
sigh I adjusted the tradesmans price thinking 'that's too cheap' , without adjusting my $90 initial costthen again, its probably accurate being a $90 initial quote and $100 invoice
This decision has the potentional to overflow into mainstream knowledge, try to keep a lid on it
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