出租房,第二层楼安装一个3.5kw分体空调,拿到3个Quote, 坐标墨尔本, 现在装个空调都这么贵了, 墨尔本装分体空调有政府补贴吗?
贴了一个户型图,请问装这个位置是否合理,能管楼上2个房间吗, 谢谢。
Supply/Installation of new Panasonic 3.5kw High Wall Split AC unit 2,700.00
Supply & Install new Panasonic 3.5kw High Wall Split AC unit to upstairs bedroom. Includes
outdoor unit mounted on new wall bracket outside, Indoor unit mounted on plaster wall, pipework
outside covered with pipe duct/capping, new AC electrical circuit with RCBO wired to new outdoor
weatherproof isolator for power supply to new AC unit. As the current switchboard is full, the light
circuits in switchboard will need to be changed to RCBO to make room for extra electrical circuit
for new AC unit. A strip of plaster will need to be removed from side wall in upstairs bedroom next
to indoor AC unit to corner of other wall for pipework, drain & electrical cables to be run outside for
connection to outdoor AC unit, plaster strip will be replaced & filled, but the sanding & painting will
need to be done by others. Both Electrical & Plumbing Compliance Certificates supplied after
Supply and installation of 3.5kw Daikin lite series (ModelFTXF35W) reverse cycle air conditioner 2,392.50
- Indoor unit to be located in bedroom, outdoor unit to be
located on ground at the driveway side of house
- All electrical and plumbing work included
Supply and installation of 3.5kw Mitsubishi 3.5kw split system 2200
http://www.bunnings.com.au/mits ... onditioner_p4442100

我在2019年的时候按了2个三菱重工的空调,一个5kw,一个2.5kw,当时去The Good Guy买$2200,等了1周告诉我要1个月以后,当时找的安装师傅说他能拿到货,比店里还便宜,就在他那里买了带安装,一共$3250,当时三菱还有cash back,申请后返现$250。
你这几个都是常见的机型。 自己去查单独的机子多少钱。然后再加上600-800的人工安装费。就是你的合理的价格区间。
- 悉尼部份城铁将封闭一年,华人区受影响!只能乘巴士(组图)
- 据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
- 联邦政客们具有多少房产?
- 据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联