这周气泡多了2个。我想拿到strata的回复,然后去fair trading 投诉strata。大家帮忙看看这样写可以吗,我还应该写些什么呀,我英文不好。谢谢!
Tonight Tom and his mother-in law came to my unit. He checked the toilet ceiling. The marks are increasing slowly and it seems not urgent. However on one knows when it will turn urgent. He asked me to call him next time when we have the kitchen smell in the bedroom area in the evening. Tom will contact the builder on Monday ask them whether they should be responsible for the leaking and duct issues and when they will come to check.
It is useful to have a talk with Tom. We understand that the committee members and I are owners, not the professional to know how to deal with the issues, why the issue happens and how to fix the issues.
We need your strata's advice (not your personal advice), based on the strata's experience of handling all the properties:
Leaking issue:
1. What if the builder does not come to check? It has been 3 weeks since David said the builder will come to check and 2 new marks now.
2. Should the strata arrange a plumber to check and fix as it is a leaking issue?
3. Can the strata refuse to arrange because the strata must at first find out who should be responsible for and pay?
Duct issue (Smoke/fume):
1. What if the builder does not come to check? It has been 3 weeks since David said the builder will come to check. The kitchen smell in the bedroom is harmful to our health. I am coughing, what even worse is my child has asthma, as I said in the previous email.
2. Should the strata arrange professionals to check and fix?
3. Can the strata refuse to arrange, because the strata must at first find out the smoke comes from which unit, or the strata does not know who should pay the bill?
还有,外墙渗水打官司让builder修,花了几十万了。现在这2个问题,strata凭什么说text builder他们就会同意修?已经等了3周,要等几个月才算strata认为builder不同意修?接下去会打官司吗?我觉得不可能,因为外墙官司已经有业主说不想再付律师费了还不出贷款了。这个我需要写在邮件里吗?
starat有一个unrestricted matter. 你去查查你们公寓的by laws。
另外你把这几年的AGM minutes仔细阅读一遍。看看这几年都修了哪些东西,哪户人家修了东西。
Just a reminder to you that the strata committee serve on the committee on a voluntary basis and there is no financial compensation involved therefore it is unreasonable for other owners to make demands. At the next Annual General Meeting you may wish to nominate yourself to serve on the committee.
The potential water penetration issue has been reported to the builder.
You have been unable to identify who is responsible for smoke however we potentially send a notice to all residents providing cost of doing this is approved. I understand one of the committee has offered to come to your unit to understand this issue without response from you.
现在楼主这个事情,会完完全全的写入annual report的。
strata推委员会,委员会推builder。我现在该怎么办?申请fair trading 的meditation,对象是strata还是commitee,还是一起?
可以把你的诉求放在信的第一段,直接迫切和施压。关于业主委员会人来查看什么的,表达感谢和肯定,但是继续给strata施压因为这是他们的工作,而不是业主委员会工作。找一下物业法则里对strata, builder的责任,要求一个时间段解决。然后提出你其他的方案请对方回复。 1,烟道逾期没有解决请物业找人来修理,费用让builder出。2,漏水留下证据每天照相,警告物业需要检查楼上住户各种管道什么的,尤其是淋浴间下水,如果造成进一步损坏,保留追溯物业的责任。
住公寓糟心事儿还是很多的,要练就强大的心脏,我家有个问题快一年了strata还没来修,我也接受了不是urgent的影响生活的 就等吧
Good morning!
Last Saturday 10 Sep Tom and his mother-in law came to my unit. I really appreciate his time and it is useful to talk with him. We understand that the committee members and I are owners, not the professionals who know how to deal with the leaking and duct issues, why the issue happens and how to fix the issues.
However, Tom still tried to help me. He will urgently contact the builder and ask them whether they should be responsible for the issues and when they will come to resolve. He asked me to call him next time when we have the kitchen smell in the bedroom area in the evening.
The water is leaking every day (1 or 2 months or longer?) and there is no sun to dry up. As potential results are addressed by a plumber, I cannot stop thinking of all the ceilings becoming soaked and someday the ceiling drops off above our heads, electric shock or fire caused by leakage.
The fumes and smoke also caused metal distress, not only harmful to our health. Every night we wait until 9:30pm to ensure today is lucky that the unit did not cook home. If we are not lucky, for 1 hour, we have to open all the windows and doors, breathing the fumes and listening to the noisy street, coughing. Kindly note my child not only has asthma as mentioned in my previous email, but also he is having growth hormone treatment and the specialist requires early and nice sleep everyday. Our health and sleep are seriously affected.
We need your strata's advice (not your personal advice), based on the strata's experience of handling so many properties:
Leaking issue:
1. What if the builder does not come to check? It has been 3 weeks since David said the builder will come to check and 2 new marks now.
2. Can the strata refuse to arrange professionals to resolve the issue, because the strata must at first find out who should be responsible for and pay?3. My request is that the strata arrange professionals to check and fix the issue asap. Then according to the plumber's report of leaking reason, the strata get the money back form the responsible party.
Duct issue (Smoke/fume):
1. What if the builder does not come to check? It has been 3 weeks since David said the builder will come to check.
2. Can the strata refuse to arrange professionals to resolve the issue, because the strata must at first find out the smoke comes from which unit, or the strata does not know who should be responsible for and pay?
3. My request is that the strata arrange professionals to check and fix the issue asap. Then according to the professionals report, the strata get the money back form the responsible party.
We are grateful to all those who can understand the plight of us. Looking forward to have the strata's professional advice early next week.
Hope this email finds you well.
It has been three weeks since I reported serious air quality issue found in our bedroom potentially caused by misplacement of the pipe of ducted air conditioning and the discharge pipe of kitchen rangehood from one of the units in our building.
I urge you that the air pollution issue needs immediate attention and correction due to its unacceptable negative impact on my family's farewell!! It has caused distress to us as my child was waken up by the heavy greasy cooking smoke which should have been discharged to outside of the building instead to someone's enclosed bedroom. Can you imagine how disgusting it is? Kindly note my child has asthma as mentioned in my previous email, also he is having growth hormone treatment and the specialist requires early and nice sleep every day.
Every night I sit near the bedroom till late to ensure no smoke that day, enter the bedroom every 30 minutes to check. If smoke comes, I need open the windows and door for 1 hour or more to release the smoke and odours. Then I can close them and go to sleep. This whole process has seriously disturbed my body clock and some nights I could not go back to sleep until early morning.
Tonight the smokes comes 10pm! I checked no smoke at 9:30pm. I moved my son to another bedroom and called Tom come to witness as we discussed on Saturday night but obviously he is asleep. I had 3 neighbours come to witness the strong kitchen smoke in the bedroom. Even the balcony door is open, they smell it once they enter my unit. I also showed them the bubbles in the never-used toilet ceiling.
This has become a serious health issue. Can you imagine you sleep in a smoky kitchen... I really do not want to be ended up with a diagnosed mental depression.
The water leaking might not cause me or anyone drowning straightaway, but the damages caused by the everyday leaking are under progressing. Visually you can see two more bubbles appeared additional to the existing bubbles on the ceiling.
It is leaking every day and there is no sun to dry up, not like the rain to the outside of building. If the leaking is not to be fixed, not only the toilet ceiling but also the bedroom ceilings are soaked, sooner or later molds would appear. By then, it would present high health risks which again is not acceptable and requiring immediate attention.
I trust the strata body corp is capable of following up and resolve these issues. It has been 3 weeks since I reported these to the strata and committee. Could you please imterim response to advise current state and any progress in resolving the issues?
Kind regards
Strata回信没毛病。你要求的东西是 BM的工作。
记住,自己公寓内部的问题,屋主承担。公共区域问题,Oc 承担.
回信的是strata manager。我们没有building manager。
只有strata manager,commitee几个人。
记住,这些不是OC manager 的工作范围。 这个是BM的工作范围。没Bm就自己做吧。问题在自己的空调压缩机位置。找到,就知道原因了。
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