我的新房子几个月后要交付了,有点想装个太阳能板给家里省点电,听说现在维州回购电最低也有11c而高峰时是29c,不知道这个信息是否准确,而我现在用电也才29c一度,感觉即使白天用得少也不太亏。还有就是牌子了,板子有人推荐tier one的,逆变器推荐华为或者sma的,如果有维州的安装太阳能公司有用我提到的牌子的麻烦私信个5kw包含安装的总价格。如果有安装过太阳能的朋友有啥好的建议或者经验愿意分享一下,我也感激不尽
五千瓦可不是每小时发五度电 差别很大哦电邮接入费用每天一块多,可不是29c这么算
维州好像今年7月1号feed in要降到9c了。最好住进去一段时间拿到第一张bill以后再决定装多大的。
在墨尔本、悉尼居住,谁也暂时不能跟电网说 bye bye。
Single Tariff Rate
The single rate tariff will be set to 9.9 cents per kilowatt hour minimum – a 1.4c reduction from the current feed-in tariff rate. The reasoning behind the drop is a forecast decrease in wholesale electricity costs during much of the day when solar exports are high, and increased wholesale pricing at the start and the end of the day when there is little in the way of solar electricity exported.
Time Varying Tariff Rates
Little has changed since the draft decision was published in December. Time varying tariffs have been introduced as the result of an inquiry that recommended solar owners receive rates better reflecting the wholesale cost of electricity at the time they export it to the mains grid.
Off peak: 7.2c per kilowatt-hour (difference of -0.1 cents from December draft)
Shoulder: 10.3c per kilowatt-hour
Peak: 29c per kilowatt-hour
West-facing solar panels may be looking even more attractive, but the timeframe to capture the peak rate will be quite limited, particularly during winter. The following indicates the time periods to which each rate applies.
Off peak: Monday-Sunday: 10pm – 7am
Shoulder: Monday-Friday: 7am-3pm, 9pm-10pm, Saturday and Sunday: 7am to 10pm
Peak : Monday-Friday: 3pm-9pm
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