澳洲求建议, 关于Strata发来的房顶维修报价


小弟的自住房在一个由6个townhouse组成的小区里, 2000年建成的, 我自己的房子平时也没有漏水啥的. 我所知的就是去年对面邻居下雨时漏水, 后来查出是gutter树叶堵了, 清理后就没问题了.

最近Strata发信来说要维修屋顶, 并给出了报价, 总共报价达$42K.  我对这方面的事所知甚少, 不太清楚所列项目是否属于危急并必须修理的项目. 我只是觉得一个17年old的房子这么快就大修是不是太夸张了点, 请大家帮忙过过目, 看看这些能否不修, 或者拖个几年? 谢谢啦.

1. Cracked broken roof tiles.
2. Cracked bedding/pointing under ridge capping.
3. No sealed collars to ridge cap joins.
4. Valley cuts missing and not secure (loose).
5. Valley cuts not cut in to specifications.
6. Cracks/tares to lead dressing along gables.
7. Lead wall chase flashing not weather flashed into wall abutments.
8. Gable verge pointing cracked.
9. Gable timber barges deteriorated.
10. Gable weather board timber dressings deteriorated.
* Due to the current scope received, we believe that matching this scope is only a patch up job and is suited for just minor repairs. We advise on the below as this is a full roof maintenance scope and is strongly advised to keep the roof up to AUS standards.

Units 1-2.
Roof Tile Replacement.
1. Supply and install 25 monier centurian roof tiles (brown/maroon colour), this will include replacing all broken roof
tiles over the roof area and the install of missing valley cuts and cutting in required valley tiles.
2. Supply and install 40 valley clips to the under and over valley tiles that are loose to secure into position. This will include installing a fast flash soaker to the under side of valleys to flash and weather seal (approx 2 lineal metres).
3. Remove all ridge caps (161) and gable verge tiles (70), clearing all cement rubble from roof area and setting ridge caps a side for re-use.
4. Remove approx 20 metres of deteriorated lead dressing from weather board and gable areas.
5. Supply and install 20 lineal metres of 370mm grey fast flash flashing to all dutch gable ends and required weather board areas to joining roof section, this will include the install of approx 10 lineal metres of a colorbond cream compression flashing to weather seal flashing.
6. Supply and install 6m2 of maxi clad colorbond sheets in cream, to clad dutch gable ends covering fibro weather boards.
7. Supply and install 25 lineal metres of colorbond fascia cover (manor red in colour) to all timber barge gables to the
top level roof areas.
8. Supply and install 25 lineal metres of tin and fibro verge soaker to all top level gables before bedding and pointing
is applied.
9. Re-bed 70 gable verge tiles and 161 ridge caps using a sand/cement bedding mix, weep holing all top ridge caps
and sealing ridge caps with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
10. Re-point all lower roof gable ends (approx 16) and ridge caps (approx 6) with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
11. Re-set and position all lower roof lead chase flashings where required and seal to wall abutments.
12. Clear all gutter and leaf debris from gutter sections, to clear of debris and prevent future rain water blockages.
13. Clear and remove all material waste from the roof area of worked on units leaving clean and tidy.

Units 3-4.
1. Supply and install 25 monier centurian roof tiles (brown/maroon colour), this will include replacing all broken roof tiles over the roof area and the install of missing valley cuts and cutting in required valley tiles.
2. Supply and install 40 valley clips to the under and over valley tiles that are loose to secure into position. This will include installing a fast flash soaker to the under side of valleys to flash and weather seal (approx 2 lineal metres).
3. Remove all ridge caps (161) and gable verge tiles (70), clearing all cement rubble from roof area and setting ridge caps a side for re-use.
4. Remove approx 20 metres of deteriorated lead dressing from weather board and gable areas.
5. Supply and install 20 lineal metres of 370mm grey fast flash flashing to all dutch gable ends, this will include reflashing for penetration to satellite dish and required colorbond compression flashings to seal new flashing.
6. Supply and install 6m2 of maxi clad colorbond sheets in cream, to clad dutch gable ends covering fibro weather boards.
7. Supply and install 25 lineal metres of colorbond fascia cover (manor red in colour) to all timber barge gables to the top level roof areas.
8. Supply and install 25 lineal metres of tin and fibro verge soaker to all top level gables before bedding and pointing is applied.
9. Re-bed 70 gable verge tiles and 161 ridge caps using a sand/cement bedding mix, weep holing all top ridge caps and sealing ridge caps with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
10. Re-point all lower roof gable ends (approx 16) and ridge caps (approx 6) with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
11. Re-set and position all lower roof lead chase flashings where required and seal to wall abutments.
12. Clear all gutter and leaf debris from gutter sections, to clear of debris and prevent future rain water blockages.
13. Clear and remove all material waste from the roof area of worked on units leaving clean and tidy. Please Note This unit quantity's are matched with units 1-3 as the building design is identical.

Units 5-6.
1. Supply and install 20 monier centurian roof tiles (brown/maroon colour), this will include replacing all broken roof tiles over the roof area and the install of missing valley cuts and cutting in required valley tiles.
2. Supply and install 30 valley clips to the under and over valley tiles that are loose to secure into position.
3. Remove all ridge caps (126) and gable verge tiles (68), clearing all cement rubble from roof area and setting ridge caps a side for re-use.
4. Remove approx 28 metres of deteriorated lead dressing from weather board and gable areas.
5. Supply and install 28 lineal metres of 370mm grey fast flash flashing to all dutch gable ends, this will include reflashing where gutter lead is cracked and defected sealed with 11 lineal metres of required colorbond compression flashing to seal new flashing.
6. Supply and install 10m2 of maxi clad colorbond sheets in cream, to clad dutch gable ends covering fibro weather boards.
7. Supply and install 30 lineal metres of colorbond fascia cover (manor red in colour) to all timber barge gables to the top level roof areas.
8. Supply and install 30 lineal metres of tin and fibro verge soaker to all top level gables before bedding and pointing
is applied.
9. Re-bed 70 gable verge tiles and 161 ridge caps using a sand/cement bedding mix, weep holing all top ridge caps
and sealing ridge caps with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
10. Re-point all lower roof gable ends (approx 20) and ridge caps (approx 12) with a 1088 brown flexipoint sealant.
11. Clear all gutter and leaf debris from gutter sections, to clear of debris and prevent future rain water blockages.
12. Clear and remove all material waste from the roof area of worked on units leaving clean and tidy.
Please Note All quoted works in scope will allow for setting required tiles that have fallen from positioning, installing all missing valley cuts and replacement of all broken tiles to all units.

Code Description Quantity Rate Amount
Rm Roof Maintenance - Unit 1-2 1 $12,670.00 $12,670.00
Rm Roof Maintenance - unit 3-4 1 $12,670.00 $12,670.00
Rm Roof Maintenance - Unit 5-6 1 $13,565.00 $13,565.00
Subtotal $38,905.00
GST $3,890.50
Total $42,795.50




谢谢啊, 我现在就是想请高人看看上面所说的问题严不严重, 如果是必须要修的, 我会让strata再去找报价, 我们这里自住的就两家, 平时跟strata沟通算挺好的, 下个月开会, 我想在开会前心里有个底.,



对, 如果有必要大修, 那肯定得多要几个报价了



一个strata scheme的管理相当于是一个公司,公司有很多的obligation,也因此法律要求一定要买strata insurance,所以better to be safe than sorry,有问题不要拖


好的, 该的还是要修, 我就是怕里面有些无关紧要的也让我们去修了




是啊, 42k, 平均到6户人, 每户7K, 不少钱啊, 肯定要让他们重新找人报价的


good luck~~
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