中介电话说 投资房淋浴向外漏水,照片看,水都到外面地毯上了 。中介找了家 bathroom& balcony 公司, 报价如下 ,我看了, 要换淋浴地面 瓷 砖和 两面墙最下面2 排瓷砖, 需要拆了浴室玻璃, 还不保证能恢复, 淋浴最多1m*1m 吧, 报价 $2400.
首先这种情况 , 需要换瓷砖吗, 是不是找个 Plumber , 把四周胶水重新封一遍就行了 ,
如果 需要换瓷砖 , 这个报价合理, 多谢大家。
Quote Inspection
Upon visual inspection, it appears that the underlying waterproofing membrane to the #..... floor has failed.
It was evident that due to a poor perimeter seal, grout deterioration and cracking, water and moisture has travelled
below the tiled surface. The perimeter seal, grout and tile surface in it's present condition is inadequate to resist
any water or moisture travelling below the tiled surface. The bottom row of tiles to 2 walls has failed and will require
Therefore, Megasealed offers a re-build of the floor and first row of tiles to 2 walls. The perimeter will be re-sealed and Megasealed products installed.
NB. Megasealed Bathrooms & Balconies BC has only inspected and quoted on the tiled and grouted area. Should there be any external factors that may contribute towards this leak, it is recommended a plumber or Building Inspector be consulted.
Scope of Works for Retile shower floor & bottom row of tiles on 2 walls + Megasealed perimeter + MG14 Floor Joints service -#.. Shower
Remove and refit existing shower screen (No warranty offered on shower screen due to age and condition)
Remove and re-screed cement bed, where required
Waterproof, including flexible bandage (bond breaker)
Retile floor and bottom row of the walls including inside and top of hob
Carry out Megasealed service including all floor joints
Seal around tap spindles.
Fit new #........mm metal floor waste grate
Floor Tiles ....x....mm (colour)
Wall Tiles .....x....mm (colour)
Hob Tiles .....x....mm (colour)
Megasealed (colour) (colour)

刚处理一个 也是shower screen 里面漏水,洗澡的时候,浴室门口地毯会湿。解决办法,浴室墙壁清洗一遍,把join 处胶去掉,抹上新胶,24小时等干。然后就不漏了。自己动手,bunnings 买管bathroom 专用silicone, 成本10刀。
Quote Inspection
Upon a visual inspection of the site it was found that the waterproof membrane in the main shower has failed as there
were high moisture levels detected in surrounding areas using a water meter. There are obvious signs of localised
movement in the shower recess as the joints around the perimeter of the shower base and wall/wall joints are cracked
and separated. It was also found that the wall tiles in the main shower were hanging on by the surrounding wall grout
and are about to fall off with excessive movement all over the wall.
Due to the extent of the leak and the condition of the tiles and grout joints in this shower the best long term solution to
repair the shower will be to retile the shower floor and walls. I have attached a scope of works for the shower repair to
include the removal of the existing floor and wall tiles. Megasealed will then install a flexible bandage to the perimeter of
the shower base and apply a new waterproof membrane. The flexible bandage will help to absorb the movement in the
shower protecting the waterproofing. Megasealed will then screed a new floor to create an adequate fall to allow water
to drain to the existing floor waste. We will then fit new tiles to the shower recess using a waterproof flexible glue. On
completion of the job Megasealed will apply our exclusive waterproof epoxy grout to the empty tile joints in the shower.
The Megasealed products will create a surface barrier eliminating water travelling below the surface of the tiles
protecting the screed and waterproof membrane.
NB. Megasealed Bathrooms & Balconies GW has only inspected and quoted on the tiled and grouted area. Should there
be any external factors that may contribute towards this leak, it is recommended a plumber or Building Inspector be
Scope of Works to Retile Shower ? 2 walls, floor + waterproof + Megaseal Perimeter & MG14 Floor Joints
(villaboard) Main Shower
• Remove and refit existing shower screen (No warranty offered on shower screen due to age and condition, shower
screen is not in the best condition so a new screen would be the best option)
• Remove existing tiles from 2 walls and floor
• Remove existing floor waste.
• Fit new villaboard where required.
• Remove cement bed.
• Apply 2 coats of Waterproofing, including installation of flexible bandage (bond breaker)
• Screed new cement bed
•Fit new 200x200 (white) tiles to 2 walls and the floor.
• Fit new waste.
• Apply white grout with grout additive to grout joints on 2 walls.
• Apply tinted white Megasealed product to perimeter of shower.
• Apply cement off white MG14 to floor grout joints of shower.
Until further investigation has been carried out we at this stage are presuming that there is no damage to the wall/floor
timbers, if found a further quote will be provided.
Megasealed is pleased to offer a product warranty from date of completion of the work subject to Terms and Conditions
found at www.megasealed.com.auThank you for allowing Megasealed Greater West the opportunity to quote on the
following work.
Retile Shower - 2 Walls and Floor + Villa Board + Waterproof +
Megasealed Perimeter & Megagrout MG14 - Main 1.00 $3,290.00 $3,290.00
奇怪, lz 只换最后一排瓷砖怎么这么贵啊
lz, 可以pm我电话, 分享一下意见吗
找plumber怎么可能会4000-5000? 4000-5000, 起码可以换掉半个浴室了吧
谢谢各位,没分了, 明天再加。
8楼同学,这个 megasealed 应该是一家 Franchised 公司, 连quota的 信都一样, 网上查了 Review, 只有2.7 out of 5, 82 reviews, 大多是保修问题, 号称是 25年的保修, 许多人2,3年之后又漏水了, 公司也不管了, 说是因为 墙移动, 不是因为产品问题, 这个真是扯了。
我打算用4楼同学的方法,让中介找个 handyman, 先试试看, 如果不行的话, 自己找人换瓷砖。
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