请教各位,投资收入的CGT(业余炒股)可以扣除电脑,上网以及homeoffice 费用吗?如果可以,是不是在etax的D5-Other work related expenses里扣呢?
d7, but you need dividend, interest and capital gain income to related to these kind of exp
some accountant like put these exp in d15
谢谢回复,d7应该不适合,因为我的CGT不包括interest and dividen.
election expenses for local, territory, state or federal candidates
income protection, sickness and accident insurance premiums
foreign exchange losses
debt deductions incurred in earning assessable income that are not disallowed under the thin capitalisation rules and have not been claimed elsewhere
debt deductions incurred in earning certain foreign non-assessable non-exempt income that are not disallowed under the thin capitalisation rules
amounts deductible under section 40-880 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) (five year write-off for certain business-related capital expenditure) not claimed in full before you ceased business or before you stopped carrying on your business as an individual (for example, if you started to carry on your business through a company or in a partnership)
a deduction for the net personal services income loss of a personal services entity that related to your personal services income
United Medical Protection Limited (UMP) support payments
certain deductible capital expenditure not claimed in full before ceasing a primary production business where a deduction can be claimed in a subsequent year or years - for example, water conservation expenditure, which may be deducted over a three-year period
non-capital losses incurred on the disposal or redemption of a traditional security which are deductible under section 70B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936) - for more information, see the section on Sale or disposal of company bonds and convertible notes in You and your shares 2009 (NAT 2632)
interest incurred on money borrowed to invest under the land transport facilities tax offset scheme or infrastructure borrowings scheme
small business pool deductions for depreciating assets of your small business pool that you cannot claim at item P8 on the Business and professional items schedule for individuals 2009 (NAT 2816) because you did not carry on a business in 2008-09. For more information, see Concessions for small business entities (NAT 71874).
D7, Read TaxPack 2009 p42.
You can also claim a portion of the decline in value of your computer based on the % of your total computer use that related to managing your investments.
Other costs such as investment journals and travel costs for investment seminars, etc.
interest on loan to purchase shares应该放在哪里呀?
thanks a lot...
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