最近小弟准备加盟一家Commercial 的清洁公司 关于申请ABN有些问题不太明白 因为初次接触税务问题 很多问题问得小白 希望高手能耐心解答一下
1.因为是一个人加盟 所以选择sole trader应该没错吧
2.Does the applicant have a Tax File Number? 我之前个人申请过一个TFN 所以这个应该选no吧?
3.Does the applicant wish to apply for Goods and Services Tax? 这个应该选yes吧? 因为听朋友说要涉及到每个季度和每个财务年度保税的问题
4.Does the applicant want to register for fuel tax credits? 这个问题不太明白 从解释上来看好像只有重型卡车或者某些器械的油耗才需要选这个 如果是像我平时开车去做清洁的油费可以通过这个报销么? 这项我到底应该选择yes 还是no?
5.Is the applicant required to register for Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding? 如果我雇人做的话是不是应该选yes? 这项对于我今后的报税有什么影响么?
6.Are you applying for an ABN to conduct any of the following business activities? Select the option that best relates to the business activity you are engaged in. If more than one activity applies to your situation, you should tick the box/button that relates to the main activity that you will be using the ABN for.
Taxi Driver
Professional artist e.g. actor, writer, musician, model
Leasing commercial property
Renting residential property
Apprentice, trade assistant or labourer
7.Have you started trading as an enterprise/business or undertaken activities in establishing your enterprise? 根据我所描述的情况 我应该选yes还是no?
8.Working as a Contractor
Are you applying for an ABN to operate as a contractor? 这项不明白什么意思 我应该选yes还是no?
希望高手能耐心解答一下 万分感谢 听说ABN在正确填完后可以马上得到 填错了貌似要花很长时间才能拿到ABN 对于我这个情况应该怎样选择?
Yeyao, i'd recommend you ask a friend who' familiar with ABN registration to do it for you. The sole trader registratiions itself is not complicated, however, it is troublesome to amend later on if you make a small mistake, or it may take forever for you to receive your abn if there is a minor error in the application.
Alternatively, you may give me a call, i'll spend 5 mins taking you through the application (happy to help, no fees apply)
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