4.1B Minimum lot size for dual occupancies
(1) The objective of this clause is to provide for housing diversity and affordability in residential zones.
(2) Despite clause 4.1, development consent must not be granted for the erection of a dual occupancy on a lot unless—
(a) the lot is at least the minimum lot size shown on the Lot Size for Dual Occupancies Development Map in relation to that land, and
(b) in relation to a dual occupancy (detached)—the lot has at least 2 road frontages and each dwelling has a frontage to a road.
4.1C Minimum subdivision lot size for dual occupancies
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that dwellings on lots created by the subdivision of a lot on which a dual occupancy has been erected do not exceed the maximum permissible floor space ratio for the site.
(2) Despite clauses 4.1 and 4.1B, development consent may be granted for the subdivision of land in Zone R2 Low Density Residential or Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, but only if—
(a) there is a dual occupancy on the land that was lawfully erected, and
(b) the lot size for each resulting lot will be at least 300 square metres.
以上两条是关于在 Kogarah LEP 2020 范围分地造 duplex 在地皮方面的硬性要求,
其中关于 4.1B(2)(b)的这个要求地皮临两条街这点我比较困惑。
这是否意味着除了 Corner 位和前后临街的房子,其他的基本没戏?
比如前后分的 Battle-Axe,以及左右分的传统 Duplex 都不行?
这点和我从某待售 House 中介处了解到的信息似乎有点冲突
不知道是不是因为将和 Hurstville LEP 合并为 Georges River LEP 所以这点以后不需要了?
写得很清楚, 4.1B(2)(b)是对detached 双拼的要求。
所以才比较疑惑,按这个规定很多是不能造的,但是 draft 那个还没出,不知道新的怎么说
谢谢提醒,看见 detached 就以为指代 semi-detached 了
简单说就是分开的没有公共墙的duplex要建在corner lot。
看的少,还没见识过这个类型的 duplex 哈哈
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