本来前两天无意中看到current affair的一期节目说的是Jordan Spring的房子沉降就觉得很可怕,画面里面的房子的地基水泥层离了房子得有一个拳头的距离了,今天看到另外一个新区也是这个问题,忽然很担心啊,因为我现在在看SCHOFIELDS的房子,那片新的区域以前是农场吧?不是垃圾填埋或者是水泽之类的填埋吧?
找到这个,显示SCHOFIELDS以前好像是养poultry and livestock的地方
https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/ ... nt-Final-Report.pdf
To the east of the Project area is the Alex Avenue Precinct. The area includes the suburb of West Schofields, a semi-rural area that currently comprises houses on rural properties as well as commercial activities such as livestock. A number of poultry farms are located in this area. To the west is the Marsden Park Precinct, which is a predominantly large, open rural area. To the south is the Colebee Precinct, which is largely open rural area. To the north and north-east of the Project is the Riverstone Precinct which contains a mix of urban areas, semi-rural residential and land uses including poultry farms and a piggery. The densely-populated town of Riverstone also lies to the north.
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