家里要住老人,然后我自己也是觉轻的,目前的想法主要是想让二楼的主卧(Bed Rm1)和另一个大房间(Bed Rm 3)尽可能的安静,减少室外和室内的噪音干扰,二楼外墙是cladding材料,其他区域就正常即可
-R2.0 Insulation to cantilevered floor to bedroom 1
-R3.5 Ceiling insulation throughout, excluding garage
-R2.0 Insulation between levels above garage (to rooms above)
-R2.0 to Internal walls of laundry, bathroom and upper bathroom
目前想的是给主卧的大窗户换成Clear Laminate 6.38mm/gap/4mm clear double glazing,这个报价是$1900
1. Just another question with noise reduction, we have discussed glass wool (wall batts) before, is there any available upgrade on this e.g. to be installed thicker insulation.
Basix requires R2.0.
To upgrade from R2.0 to R2.5 is an extra $790
To upgrade from R2.0 to R2.5 high performance batts is an extra $2,240
Thicker batts, than the above, are not possible.
2. Would it be possible to use Gyprock Acoustic (soundchek) Plasterboard with Rondo furring channel to have better sound proofing.
Acoustic wall plasterboard, direct fix, in lieu of standard plasterboard to the external living area perimeter walls is an extra $1,710
Acoustic ceiling plasterboard, direct fix, in lieu of standard plasterboard to the living area ceilings is an extra $1,960
Extra to install and fix Ceiling Plasterboard to Rhondo furring channel to the living area ceilings is an extra $4,320 (note that this will reduce the ceiling height accordingly)
3. Or to have stud wall with installing acoustic insulation and acoustic PB
Thermal insulation is required to external walls for basix compliance. See the above for acoustic plasterboard costs.

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