What if I cannot find the person who owns the property next door?
If you do not have an agreement with your neighbour about work that needs to be done for a dividing fence, you need to give your neighbour a fencing notice. To do this, you need to be able to find the person who owns the property next door.
To locate them, you might need to make reasonable inquiries, including asking any tenant of the property next door about the owner’s whereabouts and asking the local council. After making reasonable inquiries, if you still cannot find the owner of the property next door, you may go ahead with the fencing works. But it is important to know that if you want the owner of the property next door to contribute financially to the fencing works, and you have done the works without giving them a fencing notice or getting their agreement, then you will need a Magistrates’ Court order.
What if my neighbour ignores my fencing notice?
If you have given a fencing notice to the person who owns the property next door, but 30 days have passed and they have not responded to the notice, you can proceed with the fencing works without their agreement and later recover their contribution by bringing an action in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.
Council 那有登记每块地owner mailing address. 然后发张fence notice 包含fence quotation 给邻居。如果对方30天不理会,你可以先行盖起来,之后找他们要钱。
麻烦再问一下: 若是这样做了,邻居并没有同意分担这个fence啊 他们是有权力不付钱 而且也是合法 对么?
邻居可以对建造的 费用、样式、正反面朝向提出异议。但是根据法律 fence肯定是要双方一起承担的。关于费用的异议,可以多找几家做报价,只要是合理范围内的市场价,对方没有理由不同意。关于款式高矮,这个根据council 规定来建造,符合council规定的,对方也没有理由不同意。关于正反面朝向,这个要根据existing fence 参照,如果你家已经有一面正面对你的fence, 其余也按这个造。如果没有现有建好fence 参照,那就根据风化来决定fence 正反面。做fence 承包商可以帮助选择哪面朝哪面最好。如果协商不成功,可以到Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, 让法庭来判定结果。
What if my neighbour responds to my fencing notice and does not agree to the works?
If the owner next door does not agree to the proposal in your fencing notice, you cannot proceed. You must negotiate an agreement or wait until the 30 days expires and then initiate an action in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria. The Magistrates’ Court has the power to determine whether works are needed or not and, if so, what sort of fence should be built, the time within which the works should be carried out, how much each neighbour should contribute, and other matters. You can still negotiate or mediate at any point after the 30 days has expired. The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria may be able to assist with mediation.
Enforcement of agreements outside of the Fences Act — for example, if you did not give a fencing notice and reached a verbal agreement with your neighbour — would be subject to contract law and is not dealt with by the Fences Act.
To avoid the cost and stress of going to court, the Victorian Government has a free dispute resolution service called the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria. The centre offers neighbours who are in dispute an opportunity to meet together in mediation and, with the assistance of mediators, reach an agreement that works for everyone. The service is free, informal and confidential.
You can contact the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria for advice on 1300 372 888 or by visiting their website (External link)
Which owner gets to have the flat side of the fence facing into their property?
You and your neighbour can agree for the rails and framing of the fence to face into either of your properties, but the Fences Act contains some rules that apply if you cannot agree. These rules apply to some types of fences and not others, as not all types of fences have rails and framing.
If the dividing fence is between residential land and commercial land, then the rails and framing should face into the residential land. If the dividing fence is between residential or commercial land, and land over which the public has a right of access, then the rails and framing should face into the residential or commercial land.
If these rules do not apply (for example, if the dividing fence is between two residential properties), the rails and framing should go on the same side as the existing dividing fence if there is one. If there is no existing dividing fence, the rails and framing should go on the side least subject to weathering, which will depend on the circumstances. If necessary, a fencing contractor may be able to help you work out which side is the least subject to weathering (but usually the rails and framing will just go on the same side as the existing dividing fence).
好的 多谢了
楼主在哪啊? 我这同样情况, 后院邻居联系上后,开始只出5% 后来说最多20%。 现在等待调解中。 但是他有可能拒绝出席。 侧面一邻居也是海外人士投资, 空地联系不上。 你可以发fence notice, 31天后没回信, 可以开始修建, 这样你在联系到主人时可以索回50%。 如果你没走程序,讲理的人就会给钱, 不讲理的就可拒绝分担。
我现在情况就是, 后院邻居就是不平分。 邀请调节, 都拒绝出席, 看样子要去法院了。 否则如果我开建了, 我要承担全部费用。太无理取闹了。
支持上庭 支持维权 期待后续
支持上庭 支持维权 期待后续
是在做这方面的准备, 但是可能时间会很长, 我的后院就一直得空着。 而且不知道上法院所有的费用,如果对方输了, 是否会付。 有听说有任何人有过法院的经验吗?
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