



How to Get Rid of Ants Cheaply and Naturally

Did you know that you can get rid of ants naturally and cheaply, using ingredients that you may already have in your cupboard ? There are thousands of species of ants in the world and we have all heard the horror stories about ants bigger than cats marching on, devouring everything in their path!

With more than 12,000 species of ants on the earth, there could even be some truth in these stories!  Fortunately only a small number of ants invade our homes in search of something tasty or perhaps water. Some of the things ants do are good for us and the environment, such as feasting on the larvae of fleas, bedbugs, silver fish, flies and spiders (If want to get rid of spiders naturally, you can read my previous post on How to Make Natural Spider Spray)

Ants are, however, very persistent and it’s not at all easy to rid your home of these annoying creatures. Resorting to the use of pesticides in spray cans is not the ideal solution. You would most likely go through a couple of cans a week, and still not solve the problem. In addition, you would be guilty of doing your share of damaging the environment and our precious eco system!  A natural approach to ward off, or eliminate ants from your home, would be infinitely better and have no harmful effects on the environment.

There are many natural (and cheap) options available to get rid of ants in an eco friendly way.

You may be one of the more fortunate with a mild ant problem, needing only to deter them from coming into your home. Or you could have a major invasion hassle and want to totally destroy the whole colony, before they totally destroy you!

Either way, the following natural methods will help you to deal with the ant invasion. Most of them will be available out of your own kitchen, which is a cost saving bonus.

Vinegar –  I have already written in the past on how to use vinegar for maintaining your health, but did you that vinegar is a natural ant repellent? Put a little white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray at all entry points you can find and along the pheromone trail, a chemical factor secreted by the ants, which is recognized by the others and followed. Once the vinegar dries, repeat the process for a couple of days. This will discourage the ants and they will move on.

Soapy water – This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to get rid of ants. Simply fill a spray bottle with some dish-washing soap and hot water. It kills the ants and obliterates the familiar trail. It only works when wet so you will have to reapply for a few days.

Chalk – Amazingly, ants will not cross chalk lines! Nobody seems to know why, but it an excellent way to put an end to ant trails heading for your home. All you need is some ordinary white chalk, so if you don’t mind chalk lines all over the place, go ahead and draw!

Baby powder – has the same effect. Sprinkle some at any entrance points to block the trails.

Lemon juice – Lemon can be used in many ways to enhance your health  but it also works well as natural ant repellent with an added of adding nice, fresh smell to your home. Just spray pure lemon juice around the openings. You will be surprised how the acid in the juice seems to mess up their sense of tracking.

Diatomaceous earth – This is something of a mouthful so let’s refer to it as DE! DE is an amazing, multi-purpose remedy that helps us get rid of ants as well as all sorts of other unwelcome creepy crawly guests! You can use it outside by sprinkling it around the perimeter of your house, and also use quite safely inside wherever you see ants. DE does not kill instantly, but it should solve the problem within a few days. Remember not to wet the DE, or it will not work. So if it rains, it would be a good idea to redo the outside area. Always use the food-grade DE as it is completely safe should one of your pets decides to eat some of it.

Coffee grounds – For some reason ants don’t like the smell of coffee. If you sprinkle used coffee grounds around the edge of your home, and at any entry points you find, the ants will not venture any further. Coffee grounds sprinkled in the garden will also keep ants away from the plants.

Corn meal – Put some corn meal out for the ants to feast on. They love corn meal and carry it back to the nest to eat. But because they are unable to digest it, it eventually kills them, as their stomachs expand and burst, resulting in a rather unpleasant death. This seems something of an unusual way to deal with ants, and the popularity of the method has not been documented.

Salt – I have already written at the past on how to use sea salt for you skin but if you only want to get rid of ants you can use a normal salt. Salt does not kill ants. This is contrary to the belief many people have that it does. A salt solution is used as a deterrent to stop ants coming into the house through cracks, holes, over windowsills etc. They will not walk over or through any area sprayed with a salt solution. You can also sprinkle salt along cracks in the driveway or along the sides of the house where ants are present. Make sure that areas are dry before applying the salt.

Essential oils – Good essential oils to repel ants are peppermint, tea tree and lemon. Try mixing 8 oz of water in a spray bottle with 1/2 teaspoon natural soap, and 12 drops of the essential oil from the above – remember to shake the bottle frequently to keep the oil mixed with the water and repeat every few days until the ants are completely gone. Another option is to place a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and wipe on baseboards and other entry points. You can also leave an essential oil-infused cotton ball in cabinets and other areas as needed. If you are interested to learn more about essential oils you can find useful information in my e-book Magical Aromatherapy which will help you to discover the power of essential oils and the most effective ways to use them.

Keeping ants on the back foot

In spite of measures you may take to make you home ant-proof, somewhere along the line they are bound to get in. You will have to outsmart them by keeping all your food sealed, such as the honey and jam jars. Stand each one in a saucer of water and they will be safe from any invading pests. Ants are very partial to pet’s food, so keep the bowls in the fridge overnight, or place each one in a larger bowl containing a little water.


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