楼主在猫本东南自建房子,现在遇到个问题, 想咨询有过同样经历的朋友解决办法。
房子已建好, 与东, 南,西边邻居share fence. 现在东边的邻居不高兴fence 的背面面对他家, 南边的邻居因为和另外4家sharing,所以现在不能马上决定, 一是要和其他几家确定fence的方案 因为不想5家建的都不一样,二是她们的房子还没建好, 不是很急。 西边的邻居人在海外, 联系不上。
请问, 因为楼主是第一家建好并且准备搬入的, 是不是我有主动权定fence的方案, 只要发给她们invoice就可以了? 有没有法条保护楼主权益, 防止她们不付钱? 现在楼主好头痛, 房子没fence很不安全啊!
小区要求必须是timber fence
其实应该小区提供fence 省了大家意见不一致 :(
学名:timber fence with steel post
What should I do if I want to build a dividing fence or think my dividing fence needs repairing?
Talk to your neighbour informally first about the dividing fence between your properties. If you both agree that work needs to be done, then you might not need to follow the processes in the Fences Act. You might be able to agree on the type of fence, the contractor that you will employ, how the costs of the fencing works will be paid and the placement of the dividing fence. If you are able to come to an agreement like this with your neighbour, then the fencing works can go ahead as agreed.
However, you can not go ahead and build a dividing fence or do repairs on a dividing fence unless you either have your neighbour’s agreement or you follow the processes in the Fences Act. If you do not have your neighbour’s agreement, then before you arrange for any work to be done, you need to give your neighbour a notice that contains information about the work you are proposing (fencing notice).
What is a fencing notice?
A fencing notice is a formal document that sets out a proposal for construction or repair of a dividing fence or other works that need to be done. The regulations under the Fences Act include a pro forma notice which you can use which will cover all the necessary details for your neighbour. This pro forma fencing notice is also available from the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria website (External link)
The fencing notice includes proposals about: the line on which the works should be carried out; the type of works to be carried out; the person to be engaged to undertake the works; an estimate of the cost; and contribution proportions. You can hand the fencing notice to your neighbour personally or send it by post.
Do I have to use a fencing notice?
No, if you and your neighbour have agreed to the fencing works and any other works that need to be done, then a fencing notice is not required. You might agree about the works by signing a quote provided by a fencing contractor, for example. If you agree in this way, then you do not need a fencing notice.
Enforcement of agreements outside of the Fences Act — for example, if you did not give a fencing notice and reached a verbal agreement with your neighbour — would be subject to contract law and is not dealt with by the Fences Act.
What if my neighbour ignores my fencing notice?
If you have given a fencing notice to the person who owns the property next door, but 30 days have passed and they have not responded to the notice, you can proceed with the fencing works without their agreement and later recover their contribution by bringing an action in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.
What if I cannot find the person who owns the property next door?
If you do not have an agreement with your neighbour about work that needs to be done for a dividing fence, you need to give your neighbour a fencing notice. To do this, you need to be able to find the person who owns the property next door.
To locate them, you might need to make reasonable inquiries, including asking any tenant of the property next door about the owner’s whereabouts and asking the local council. After making reasonable inquiries, if you still cannot find the owner of the property next door, you may go ahead with the fencing works. But it is important to know that if you want the owner of the property next door to contribute financially to the fencing works, and you have done the works without giving them a fencing notice or getting their agreement, then you will need a Magistrates’ Court order.
i[backcolor=Blue]f the dividing fence is between two residential properties), the rails and framing should go on the same side as the existing dividing fence if there is one. If there is no existing dividing fence, the rails and framing should go on the side least subject to weathering, which will depend on the circumstances. If necessary, a fencing contractor may be able to help you work out which side is the least subject to weathering (but usually the rails and framing will just go on the same side as the existing dividing fence).
我觉得可以先搞定西边邻居 人在海外 发一个fence notice 给西边邻居 等30天 对方没有回应最好 你可以先行把西面的fence建起来,正面对你家。这样就有 existing fence. 其它面fence 之后都要根据这个建。然后再发fence notice 给南东两家邻居,达成协议最好,无视拖延,你就先建起来。之后凭着fence notice 和他们要钱。找不到邻居家收件地址就去council 问,需要填张inquire 表格,council 会告诉你每块地owner Mailing address.
楼主 全部信息可以在这个网站找到 好好研究一下http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/home/justice+system/laws+and+regulation/civil+law/fencing+law+in+victoria#breadcrumbs
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