地前高后低,有2米多的落差。见了几个project house building company, 有的sales 说整栋房子要退后,有的sales 又是另外方案。
见project house building company前 要不要自己做个site survey?是不是带上site survey 图会有些帮助。
另外他们对site survey图的制作人资质有没有特别要求呢?
个人感觉, 可以问问Council 有没有先? 然后看看盖房子的合同里面包括什么,土质的risk 如果是公司承担就没啥,如果不是的话,先做一个应该也挺好。。。尤其你这个site cost 估计不便宜
Site survey 的费用公司是不包的,所以就考虑是不是自己先做一个。
和项目公司沟通一下相关要求再找人做site survey,然后再说报价的事。。。
The survey should include the following information:
- boundaries and easements;
- spot levels relative to the AHD;
- contours at 0.2m where appropriate;
- True north;
- Outline of the existing house including floor levels, attached decks, terraces, any chimneys, gutter level and roof ridge level;
- Outline of buildings on adjoining sites including gutter levels and roof ridge levels; ( these are needed to create shadow diagrams if required)
- All major trees ( over 3m height) on site - trunk and crown height
- Kerb alignment on the street frontage and top of kerb + gutter levels;
- Outline of driveway and any other hard stand features on the site - decks, steps, paving etc ;
- Levels at top and base of all retaining walls;
- Fence alignment and levels;
空地的话就很简单了 那些building and features都没有 主要是level,2m不算很多
一般要先做survey 那些builder才知道哪些design可以放上去 或者要曾加多少site cost
- 悉尼部份城铁将封闭一年,华人区受影响!只能乘巴士(组图)
- 据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
- 联邦政客们具有多少房产?
- 据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联