(a) Any boundary fencing shall be subject to the requirements of the Dividing Fences Act 1991.
(b) Front fencing is to be consistent with the height, scale, and style of existing fencing in the street. Where there are no existing front fences, front fences are not supported.
///我家是Corner, 其中一条街有fence,而且每家的fence风格不一样;--显然他们建fence也没有遵守规则。
(c) Consideration should be given to Council’s Safer by Design Guidelines, particularly in regards to natural surveillance, sightlines and anti-graffiti surfaces.
(d) Where front fencing over 1.2 metres in height is proposed, this shall be of open style.
(e) Any fencing in the front setback over 1.2m in height shall be setback from the front boundary a minimum of 500mm to allow opportunities for landscaping to soften the impact of the fence.
(f) Consideration will be given to fencing on secondary road frontage setbacks, subject to there being no adverse affect on the immediate area and on traffic visibility and be of a design to incorporate features such as landscaping bays or a variation/combination of materials.
//corner建fence的话,肯定会对traffic visibility有些影响,如下图roundbound边上的corner都能这样建fence,应该违反了这个规则啊,这都能通过,觉得这个council的实际要求和描述差距很大啊
(g) Side and rear boundary fencing should be a maximum of 1.8 metres in height.
Corner Allotments --- FROM <Environment and Planning Services Building a New House>
On corner allotments a minimum of two of the following
design elements are to be included along the secondary
• Verandahs;
• Gables;
• Vertical elements to reduce the horizontal emphasis of
the facade;
• Entry feature or portico;
• Balcony/window boxes or similar elements; and
• Landscaping/fencing compatible with the frontage status
of elevation.
The following features are not to occur along either facade:-
• Blank walls without relief;
• Windows/doors of utility rooms exposed to view; and
• Hot water services or similar utility installations.
Any high fencing along the secondary street frontage
exceeding 1.2 metres in height should be limited to 60% of the frontage and occur toward the rear of the allotment.
Any low fencing equal to or less than 1.2 metres in height may occur toward the front of the allotment.
想弄个fence的主要原因是前院大,后院小。 前院要不围挡起来不好用,小孩不好在前面玩。
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