标签:some - 澳大利亚华人论坛


在 Global 的 Make Some Noise 活动中,Myleene

Global 的 Make Some Noise 于周五接管了伦敦市中心的 Classic FM。 为了帮助筹集资金45 岁的 Myleene Klass 穿着黄色裤装和绿色丝质衬衫,扮成小丑,并搭配红色香奈儿包包,增添了设计师风格。...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Some shizzle for sale 悉尼

好的,我有一个 'Renovation Toolkit' 文件夹待售,我在不久前的一次比赛中赢得了它的售价约为 400 美元,我认为它是全新的,价值约 80 美元,我以 40 美元的价格出售 只看了几次, 如果你喜...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Seeking Some Spare Earth Sydney

我正在珀斯市中心寻找一个小(我的意思是非常小的)街区 我的区域边界在英格尔伍德以北,铁路线以东,利德维尔以西 或者,如果任何珀斯论坛成员正在考虑细分并会考虑合资建造两...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Paperlosses 悉尼

我在 somersoft IP 聊天室与 Rixter 谈论他的策略时,他解释说他喜欢购买税后正现金流但实际上有账面损失的房产工作 评论 Qaz,该策略涉及寻找租金涵盖利息、利率、保险等的房产。锦上...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房地产折旧报告 - Some Insight Sy

QS 如何区分(或他们)不同质量的固定装置和配件?也就是说,他们是否考虑到成本之间的差异,例如 1 Miele v Whirpool 烹饪包 2 本地 v 进口灯具 3 给定质量的地毯或是否只有一个通用成本...澳洲华人论坛


《自然》Omicron thwarts some of the world’s m

这个是《自然》杂志3天前的最新文章,和之前各渠道导报的差不多。 传统灭活疫苗对Omicron几乎没有任何保护力,也许只在防重症上还有些用。 科学家实验下来曾经打过2针灭活疫苗的人...澳洲华人论坛


sometime和some time的区别?

sometime和some time的区别是什么,两个一样吗 评论 合 某时 分 一段时 合s 有时 分s 几次 评论 He will arrive sometime next week. 他将于下周的某个时候到达。 It will take some time before you receive the...澳洲华人论坛


问一下 下雨 骑摩托的事

you need some proper motorbike gears, fully padded and water proof ones. I dont know about others, but rain doesnt affect my riding much - just need to be cautious when you make turns, but wind is a killer. 评论 Nope, this is an example: h...澳洲华人论坛


STI V11 Question ~~~

Can some one plz tell me why this Right Hand Side STI 面罩 is different to the Left Hand Side STI 面罩 ??? 评论 ddddddddddddddddd 评论 because that 面罩 can be replaced...... 评论 what the hell is 面罩 评论 面罩=Front Gril...澳洲华人论坛


Some potential doggy shit on trademe

Tm上周有个C63 $1 reserve 拍到了57K, http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=702191338 没两天,卖家随后就RELIST了,说BUYER是TIME WASTER,继续$1 reserve http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=70719030...澳洲华人论坛


Brick with some plaster can take the risk?

http://harcourts.co.nz/Property/749051/BW22289/45-Caversham-Drive Mainly brick but some plaster at the front, is it worth taking the risk? 评论 这种应该差不多可以叫全砖瓦房子了 评论 a very nice house 评论 说大不大,...澳洲华人论坛


some question , pls help help :)

thanks its been answered 评论 thanksssssssssssss 评论 Part time is not enough.... how much ur annual pay?? can not meet the stardards of requirement. 评论 and whats ur job title? job description. You need to consider a lot of things n...澳洲华人论坛



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 评论 do you have some documentation or legal advice to help you explain your situation. something like that. 评论 没看明白。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 评论 开...澳洲华人论坛


rental property agnet

can someone intruduce me a good rental property agent? thanks. I have an apartment in 109 Vincent for renting on 13 Nov. 021383788, [email protected] 评论 www.streetsmart.co.nz 评论 哪个区。。。。 评论 My apartment is in City,...澳洲华人论坛


Some Interesting Stuff

昨天家里大扫除,一些旧货被翻了出来,其中有一本2004年9月的Kiwi Property Investor Magazine, 翻了一下发现其中一篇文章是BNZ首席经济学家Tony Alexander写的当时(即上一个)房地产牛市的一些...澳洲华人论坛



Remove some letters from the word VERTICAL. Rearrange the letters to make a word meaning JOURNEY. The removed letters are A)ICB)CAC)RVD)LI 该选什么答案。 评论 travel, so chose A 评论 笑傲江湖数学好一位也好,佩服...澳洲华人论坛


Writing Course/Writing School

Can someone recommend a writing school in Sydney for primary school students? Is The Sydney English school @ Mascot good? Thanks in advance! 评论 据说不错。如果你家和学校距离近,孩子也不觉得补习辛苦,那就去学点...澳洲华人论坛



33. Is someone else provide support for your visit to Australia? yes 34. what are they supporting? 1. financial 2. accommodation 3. other 急问大家,想帮我妈办676, 可是34项有点迷茫。 第一个financial没问题,我可以打...澳洲华人论坛


Can i get some help on Parents visa extended stay v

父母申请的是一年多次往返签证。 但是每次不多于3个月。 如果想多待一段要怎么做呢? 可以在澳洲境内重新申请? 要体检吗? thanks. 评论 签证上没有8503 no further stay的话 可以境内延期一...澳洲华人论坛



Some tortures are physical And some are mental, But the one that is both Is dental. ~ Ogden Nash 具体请看这篇: http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... p;extra=#pid5665381 [ 本帖最后由 minnyz 于 2011-3-18 18:34 编辑 ] 评论 怕看牙医...澳洲华人论坛


Where can I catch some bream?

I am just wondering where can I catch some bream, excluding dockland as the fishes have been contaminated already Please recommend some locations near Meloburne City with 2 hours drive Thanks so much fish master=) 评论 Try werribee south a...澳洲华人论坛


eBay全场9折 with Some Exclusion Applies

评论 又来,何时才全场八折啊 评论 谢谢分享。 评论 谢谢 评论 code? 评论 文不对题,何来“全场” 评论 买买买 评论 +1 评论 周末 ebyaplus 15% off 今天又 10%, ebay真有意思 评论 啥时候来...澳洲华人论坛


20% off at Target Ebay ( Some Lego have further dis

http://www.ebay.com.au/rpp/targetau USE CODE CTARGET AT CHECKOUT. 评论 thanks for sharing 评论 评论 评论 Elder Scroll Online 上古卷轴online ps4/xbox one $13.00 ,很值。 评论 评论 值是很值, 就是现在完全没时间...澳洲华人论坛


Some jukes

Q:What is the difference between a girlfriend and a wife? A: Twenty kilos. Q: What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? A: Forty-five minutes. Qo you know the punishment ofr bigamy? A:Two mothers-in-law. Q:What's the differenc...澳洲华人论坛


Cut [someone] some slack

解释:觉得你或者某个人需要多一点时间来完成一件事情。也有一点希望得到赞许的意思。 造句:He should cut me some slack. 用法: A: God I've been at this all day, but boss still thinks I'm not doing en...澳洲华人论坛



Some people say that children should be disciplined in their early age, and punishment should be used. To some extent do you agree? What kind of punishment can be used by teachers and parents? 评论 Spare the rod, spoil the child.Yes.I agre...澳洲华人论坛



Some currency traders braced for further dollar declines should U.S. payroll data on Friday heighten concerns about the health of the U.S. economy。 这句句子中,trades 是主语, braced 是谓语 , should 是 U.S. Payroll data 的倒...澳洲华人论坛


分享最近学的 Some Idioms-Beginning With D

dark horse- if someone is a dark horse, they are a bit of a mystery daylight robbery- if you are overcharged or underpaid, it is a daylight robbery; open,unfire and hard to prevent. Rip-off has a similar meaning deep pockets- if someone has...澳洲华人论坛


Score some brownie points!

Brownie points. -An amount of credit considered as earned, especially by favorably impressing a superior. Often used in the plural. - (informal) credit or praise for good work or a good deed 通常是指做了一些让别人高兴,对人有利...澳洲华人论坛


Some people said Landscruiser is more danger than n

Some people said Landscruiser is more danger than normal car, why? 评论 some people is right. 取决于你从哪方面看。 如果看对撞,LC绝对比normal car 安全。 如果看撞墙撞树,那么估计安全性差不多,撞击角...澳洲华人论坛


Who is Marie Kondo? Spark Joy???

Something to share!!! She is Professional Organiser! The Kon-Mari Method - Discard and keep what bring you joy! http://konmari.com/en/ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=marie+kondo Books: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The...澳洲华人论坛


Federal Budgets Part 2

Here is some of the other items annouced in the 2011 federal budget on 11/05/2010 GOOD Previously announced tax cuts The Government has confirmed it will deliver its third round of tax cuts. Under these previously announced cuts, from 1 July...澳洲华人论坛


Some Fact (各类型物业投资回报率)

In 2001, Someone I know bought a off-plan in wolli creek for 450,000 Which is 550,000 maybe a bit more ATM. One of my friends bought an old full brick house in Hurstville for 470,000 at the same(2002) time and the house now is worth about 1...澳洲华人论坛


抄底买AGO的 多吗

seems some relentless buy, similar to $KPO, someone wants her 评论 BOOM 评论 你自己买了没? 评论 我几个月前买的,1.2c进的,现在还捂着 评论 哎 说多了都是泪,早出了 评论 你发财了 评论 买的不多...澳洲华人论坛


Some thoughts about Novated Leasing

I am buying my new car via the salary package, have read lots of document on the web including this forum. Thanks for that. :) And here are some thoughts I have re Novated Leasing. Firstly, I am not an accountant so this is just based on my...澳洲华人论坛



Some inspirational stories about mindset. Although they are not about trading directly, some could relate to trading. 1.甲去買煙,煙29元,但他沒火柴,跟店員說:順便送壹盒火柴吧。店員沒給。 乙去買煙,煙29元,他也沒...澳洲华人论坛


i want to rent some space for my nail business

hi, guys. i want to run my nail beauty business. i would like to choose north sydney to be my first choice. does anyone know about lease price of shop in shopping mall? i don't need large shop. basically, around 10-15 msq is best. if someone...澳洲华人论坛