Investors Lose: Changes To Negative Gearing, Depreciation
Investors will lose $800m worth of tax benefits after changes were announced to negative gearing and depreciation in the Federal Budget announced last night.
Whilst negative gearing remains available to landlords, rules are being tightened around what can be claimed, specifically related to travel expenses and depreciation deductions.
Under the new rules, which will come into effect from July 1, depreciation deductions for plant and equipment items (such as dryers, curtains and ceiling fans) will only be allowed if the investor actually bought them.
In the past, investors were able to claim deductions for all plant and equipment items in the property at the time of acquiring the asset, according to each item’s effective life.
This new ‘integrity measure’ is expected to help the ATO retain $260 million over the next four years.
The changes will apply to any items purchased after budget night (Tuesday May 9), but existing investments will be grandfathered (ie exempt from the change).
In another blow to investors’ returns, a new negative gearing restriction has been introduced in relation to travel expenses.
As of July 1 2017, investors will no longer be able to claim tax deductions for travel expenses “related to inspecting, maintaining or collecting rent for a residential rental property”.
Introduced in an effort to “address concerns that many taxpayers have been claiming travel deductions without correctly apportioning costs, or have claimed travel costs that were for private travel purposes”, this change is set to save the government around $540 million over the next four years.
看了这文章, 有以下几个问题:
1. 已经实施了吗?
2. 如果实施了, 对 2017 May 9 以前购买的投资不受影响, 对吧?
3. 投资房的travel expenses不能claim 了?
不知以前是否有人问过, 这里先谢谢。
The changes will apply to any items purchased after budget night (Tuesday May 9), but existing investments will be grandfathered (ie exempt from the change).
1. 已经实施了吗? yes
2. 如果实施了, 对 2017 May 9 以前购买的投资不受影响, 对吧? yes 只要这之前签合同就行.
3. 投资房的travel expenses不能claim 了? no, yes for commercial properties
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