澳洲E-TAX 电脑折旧怎么算?


请教这个decline in value worksheet怎么填?

[ 本帖最后由 漫游 于 2008-9-27 23:08 编辑 ]

Items that need to be filled:

First section:
Description of asset: Dell Desktop Computer or Dell Laptop Computer or something else.
Personal use percentage: Your actual personal use percentage, for example 30%. If no personal use the percentage will be 0%.
Date acquired: The date you purchased the computer, for example 30/09/2007.
Cost: The price you paid for it, for example $1600.
Asset type: Other than motor vehicle.
Other items in this section can be ignored.

Depreciation rate and method section:
Tick the box next to Diminishing value.
Effective life in years: 4 years for desktop, 3 years for laptop.
Depreciation rate percentage: 50% for desktop, 66.67% for laptop.
Tick the box NO next to the question "Have you self assessed the effective life of this asset?"
Other items in this section can be ignored.

Click next when you completed.

谢谢楼上,请问Opening written down value这一项怎么填?是算出来Decline in value还是Reduced by private use?

如果是bought during the financial year, etax自动算的.



Did you buy it in prior years? If so, how did you work out your depreciation?

The opening written down value (OWDV) is the closing written down value (CWDV) from last year. This year's OWDV is worked out by subtracting last year's deductible amount from last year's OWDV. This deductible amount is the annual depreciation amount less any private portion and is calculated automatically by E-Tax based on the information given by you.

If you need to manually input the OWDV, you also need to manually input the opening adjustable value (mandatory). If you had private use last year, this opening adjustable value will be less than the OWDV because it is worked out by subtracting the full amount of depreciation from last year's opening adjustable value.

Please note, your claim will be the deductible amount NOT the full depreciation. The reason ATO puts the adjustable section there is for the purpose of working out the balancing adjustment (profit or loss) if you so dispose of the asset.


mark for review


Well, the question is getting harder

I need to mention three things before answering your question:

1. If you purchased your computer before 10/05/2006, the depreciation rate would be 37.5% for your desktop and 50% for your laptop using diminishing value method. If you purchased your computer on or after 10/05/2006, the rates would be the same as mentioned in my previous post. If you chose to use the prime cost method, the rate would be 25% for desktop and 33.33% for laptop regardless of when you purchased it.
2. The deductible amount of an asset in any particular year can never be greater than the depreciation (the value declined) of that asset in that year, therefore, the total deductible amount for an asset cannot exceed the cost of that asset.
3. The value of an asset starts decline from the first day when you purchased it regardless of whether you use it for income producing, study and work related purposes or not.

Here, I will give you an example to answer your question.

Assuming that you purchased a desktop for say $2000 on 01/07/2005 and you did not use it for business (work and study included) purpose until 01/07/2007. Therefore, you use it 100% privately in the two years from 01/07/2005 to 30/06/2007. The total deductible amount in those two years would be nil. However, as mentioned above, the value of the desktop started decline from 01/07/2005. Using diminishing value method, the value declined would be $750 ($2000 X 37.5% X 365/365) in the first year and $469 [($2000 - $750) X 37.5% X 365/365] in the second year. The opening written down value as at 01/07/2007 would still be $2000 as no amount has been deducted for the two years from 01/07/2005 to 30/06/2007. The opening adjustable value as at 01/07/2007 would be $781 ($2000-$750-$469).

For the year ended 30/06/2008, you used the computer solely for business purpose. Now let's look at how much you can claim. The second point above indicates that the deductible amount cannot exceed the depreciation of that year. Therefore, the deductible amount would be the lesser of ($2000 X 37.5%) or ($781 X37.5%). In this case, $293 would be the answer.

You may feel sad when you look at the answer. Don't give up yet! There is always a second choice. People tend to use diminishing value method as this method gives the maximum depreciation most of the time but, not always. In your case, I suggest you to use the prime cost method. Why? Let's look at how much you can claim in 2007/2008 financial year if you use the prime cost method. The opening written down value would be the same as that of using diminishing method, $2000. However, when using prime cost method, the value declined would be $500 each year for 4 years in this case. Hence, the opening adjustable value as at 01/07/2007 would be $1000 ($2000-$500-$500) and the depreciation would be $500 ($2000 X 25% X 366/366). The deductible amount would also be $500 as you use the computer solely for business purpose. This is $207 additional deduction.

I hope I answered your question.

[ 本帖最后由 Xavier 于 2008-10-1 21:47 编辑 ]

Any support is welcome! Just want to wear some shoes!


想请教一下,电脑是应该在D4还是D5 claim 呢?如果都可以,哪个比较好?分分感谢

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