最近打算把车做novated lease, 不是新买车,而是把家里的一部车转为Novated Lease。之前车是有car loan,工作单位指定的novated lease的公司跟我说,如果贷款那边给出具的payout letter有GST的话,那么做novated lease的时候就可以把GST给claim出来,我拿到payout letter后,上面没有GST。。然后做novated lease的人跟我说他可以找有license 的dealer出一个invoice, 给予我提供的Payout letter上面的总数,这个invoice会有GST,这样再做novated lease的时候就可以把GST给claim掉了,当然那个dealer会跟我收取额外的一笔费用,GST的钱数要大于这个费用。。这种操作有人做过吗?
Don't do it.
The total GST might be greater than the dealer's charge but you can't get all GST on that invoice, the GST on the residual value is still payable. You are claiming GST straight away, indeed you don't finance the GST amount at the beginning and will have to pay GST on residual.
并不是所有的都含GST, home loan, car loan都不含GST
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