小弟半年前第1套房子settle了,且自settle后就一直自住到现在,也有6个月了。如果现在再去买套大点的房再把第一套房做为投资房那今后的6年里卖掉还需要交CGT? 听说自住房转投资房后6年免CGT的不知道是不是这样。
此外,如果真6年内免CGT那么有几套房子可以享有这个政策? 比如我现在有套自住房,6个月后决定再买套房,把第1套房出租做成投资房。然后自己搬进第2套房住。3年后把第一套卖了,自己就只剩第2套房,于是再买第三套房,当第三套房成交后搬入第3套房,那么请问第2套房卖出去的时候是否需要交CGT?
1st step is to choose your main residence. after you bought your 1st property you can chose it to be your main residence, you can have 6 years to produce income and not pay CGT, (But you need to move back home for a while after 6 year period).
However, as soon as you purchase your 2nd property and use it as your main residence, (if you choose to ), you need to pay CGT for the 1st property.
If you still choose the 1st property to be your main residence, then you need to pay CGT for your second property when you sell it.
all in all...you only can have 1 main residence at a time, so make your selection carefully
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