我的老板给我报税的时候把税单好像写成我是 Non australian resident 了。 我现在是过桥签证等待pr中,距离上次回国也已经有1年多的时间,也就是我1年多没有离开澳洲境, 我这应该是australian resident的。 因为写成non australian resident, 会不会导致税务局叫我补税?(现在老板交的税是按照resident 来的, 我知道Non resident 好像挺多哎。) 最主要的是还要把我老板给我交的税退回来? 万一出现以上情况,怎么办呢?
Non australian resident交的只会更多。你改成resident之后还能叫税务局把税退你呢。
你这个情况很简单。 只要在年尾报税的时候,记得在第一二页(个人信息框)里的 其中一个’Are you an Australian resident?‘
非常重要的,You must print X in the YES box if you were an Australian resident for tax purposes for all or part of 2010-11. 这样你所设定的坏情况是不会发生的。
Generally, 税务局 consider you to be an Australian resident for tax purposes if:
* you have always lived in Australia or you have come to Australia and live here permanently
* you have been in Australia continuously for six months or more, and for most of that time you worked in the one job and lived at the same place
* you have been in Australia for more than six months during 2009-10, unless your usual home is overseas and you do not intend to live in Australia
* you go overseas temporarily and you do not set up a permanent home in another country, or
* you are an overseas student who has come to Australia to study and are enrolled in a course that is more than six months long.
这个就是我要说的问题啊, 因为填个人报税的时候 老板 把那个个人信息里面的 “Are you an Australian resident?” 填成 “NO” 了。
[ 本帖最后由 silviya 于 2011-6-14 12:11 编辑 ]
No worries.
call Tax office on 13 11 42 general business line and explain your situation
( better in the early morning 8:00 am ?)
你应该不会是让你老板帮你报税的吧. ?
还是你是在老板给你一份 Tax file number declaration 中里填的这个问题?
如果真的是报税中填的这个问题, 那你可以修改你的tax return, 下面的网址是指导怎么 amend 你的 tax return, 希望有所帮助.
[ 本帖最后由 personalisedtax 于 2011-6-15 12:48 编辑 ]
是老板帮忙报税的, 他可能在报税中填错了。 不是TFN declaration 中的这个问题, 我TFN 早就有了的。
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