12月底收到了tax office 发来的退GST的表,我打算过了新年去找个会计退,其实就是很简单的,但是我怕自己弄错,所以打算找个好会计,这样以后也可以帮我弄弄税,谁想到今天去了几个都还没开门!我的GST 2月底就due了,麻烦问一下坛子里的大虾,通常需要多长时间做这个啊?是不是找个好会计填个表就行了?我住在MEL 西区,如果有好的会计麻烦推荐!长期合作!谢谢大家了!
need to know what you do? and what records you keep before i can tell you how long it takes to complete the GST form for you.
speak with an accountant face to face. there are several accountants in the website, pick one and make an appointment if you dont want to find one in the paper.
I just franchise a cleaning business, I need to claim GST for purchase this contract, also need to claim some Fuel for my car, only from OCT 2010 to DEC 2010, which is quite simple. I am in west of Mel, where is your office, if not too far, I mignt need your help. Thanks
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