问题是关于中国和澳大利亚之间的税务. 我们公司最近给中国一家公司做了一次工程咨询, 现在到了付款阶段了. 我们公司认为中国方应该付给我们10%的GST, 而中国公司认为这笔钱他们已经在中国交了17%左右的营业税, 所以不应该再付我们GST
请教达人, 这个账应该怎么算呢? 类似的情况需要交GST吗?
而是当初没有签好合同. 合同说付多少就是多少,别你交税我缴税的说了.
depend on where the service is provided, if the chinese company representative came to Australia and the consultation is conducted here. it will be difficult for you to argue it was an export of services, in which case you'll have to charge GST.
you must understand, charging GST or not, the chinese company will only look at how much they have paid at the end of the day, they don't care if your company needs to pay the 10% to the ATO. therefore, you best chance is to look at the facts to see if the service constitute a export of services, in which case its GST free.
this type of situation are quite common.
depends on where the service conducted. if the client was in china and did not come to australia, you can not charge GST. it was a GST free supply. i think there is no point makes you really want to chage the GST, because the income to you is same, and you cannot keep the GST part as your money.
[ 本帖最后由 yzf686 于 2010-12-7 15:02 编辑 ]
thanks guys for the suggestion!
工程咨询 in AU or not? if not in AU, no gst
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