Does anybody know what the taxable income is?
personal taxable income or company taxable income?
What is taxable income?
Your taxable income is the income you have to pay tax on. It is the term used for the amount left after you have deducted all the expenses you are allowed to claim from your assessable income.
Assessable income – allowable deductions = taxable income
Taxable income is your assessable income for tax purposes minus all deductions allowed under Division 8 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. These deductions include any loss or outgoing (eg an expense) incurred in gaining or producing assessable income or necessarily incurred in running a business for the purpose of producing your assessable income.
taxable income就是根据税法相关规定计算出来的应该缴纳个人所得税或者公司所得税的所得。这种定义方面的问题,建议找google。如果是比较特别的case,可以具体点来问问。
Thanks a lot!
For personal taxable ,Can I get an example?
For an employee:Gross income is $40000 p.a
The employer withhold $6300 p.a
Gross Salary/Wage Income is part of assessable income, if you don't have other income (such as interests, dividends, rental etc), then your salary wage income = total assessable Income.
The next part is work-related deductions, if you don't have any deductions, then Deduction amount = 0.
Assessable Income - Deduction = Taxable Income = $4,0000 - 0 = $40,0000,
As a employee, Can I any get work-related deductions normally?
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