标签:Does - 澳大利亚华人论坛


CBN Friday Special丨Does spring finally come for g

三分钟音频,中英文带你速览中国经济头条。 您的浏览器不支持音频播放。 S: Hello, everyone. Welcome to CBN Friday Special, I’m Stephanie Li. R: And I’m Zhang Ran. S: Hey, Ran, I remember that you like to pla...澳洲华人论坛


.NET or Java tutoring

HI All, Does anyone need help in .NET or Java tutoring for school work or selflearning, if u need help, please contact me on 0425539668. i am currentlyworking as a .NET Software Engineer ? Website: https://melbourne-java-or-net-tutoring.busi...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know how to pay toll fee for motorway t

I drove from Harbour bridge to Silverdale, there was a board mentioined toll fee. How can I check if I need to pay or not? If yes, how shall I pay? Better without any surcharge. 评论 http://www.tollroad.govt.nz/ 评论 google northern toll...澳洲华人论坛


Does all baby have rashes?

Baby is 6 weeks old, has started to have rashes on his face, also in the front and back of his neck.. is this normal to have on neck as well? Is there any cream for those rashes, should I take him to GP? 评论 我女儿已经有过2次了去看...澳洲华人论坛


question about sti

does anyone knows wat is da ver of the hatchback sti?ver11? is it only come with the 2500cc engine or has da 2000cc engine(JDM) if does wat is da different between them? cheers;loveliness; 评论 hatchback不知道。。只知道sedan的nz...澳洲华人论坛


Karicare gold 2

Does anybody know where u can still get the original karicare gold 2 or has all supermarkets starting to sell the newer version? Thank you 评论 chch超市都还有。或者那些代购奶粉的有。 评论 看到countdown还有以前的包装...澳洲华人论坛


ZT: What does it take to kill a Volvo?

评论 要不然怎么是五星的安全呢~哈哈~楼主英明~~ 评论 A simple electrical problem 评论 之前买过1辆 S40 比3系还小的车,1.9吨。 评论 http://youtu.be/emtLLvXrrFs...澳洲华人论坛


Does 2005 Mazda MPV have a timing belt or chain?

Does anyone know if 2005 Mazda MPV have a timing belt or chain? Thanks 评论 Chain !! 评论 每台发动机都有正时链条或是正时皮带,以及附件皮带。。。。 你的发动机,是正时链条的,无需更换。。但附件...澳洲华人论坛


请问 MINICopper s 好不好?

Does copper s reliable ?? i am planning to get a between 07 - 09 评论 Does copper s reliable ?? i am planning to get a between 07 - 09 Is one 评论 I have fond some engine problems on the mini cooper s called as death rattle. It seems can...澳洲华人论坛



在AA网上买保险,有一条:Does the vehicle have an aftermarket alarm?,请问是什么意思?我英文不好啊,我的是新车,他是说买后自己加装的警报设施呐,还是只要有警报器就行。谢谢啊 评论 AA的...澳洲华人论坛


Does your kid's daycare / preschool use EDUCA?

Does your kid's daycare / preschool use EDUCA? it is a software that teacher records the story of the kid at daycare / preschool with photos, then parents can log on to read and feedback / communicate. And just found out the founder /develo...澳洲华人论坛


Chinese classes to learn Chinese

Does anyone know if there are any schools here that teaches Chinese in Auckland? Preferably intermediate to advance Chinese. PM me 评论 找华社他们应该可以帮到你 评论 you can't even type Chinese, you sure you want intermediate...澳洲华人论坛


[新品体验]Sugru补丁泥, does "hack t

自从年初在designdoom上看到 sugru 软泥的介绍,便想要买一包,因为号称这种软泥可以随意定型,粘在金属,玻璃,和大部分塑料上都没问题。硬了以后有韧性,防水。(和做假牙牙龈的...澳洲华人论坛



Does anyone know where I can buy some marble plant stands like the below picture? (prefer in Auckland, thanks~) 评论 trademe... 评论 查过了,就找到图片上的这一个,而且还不在奥克兰。。。 评论 有辐射!!!!...澳洲华人论坛


Desparately need MW

Does anyone know if Lucy CHiew and Mary Seong MW any good? Has anyone used them before as i need to find MW quickly. thanks 评论 Rang a few asian MW today but either busy or away on holiday as my BB is due December.... anyone know any MW i...澳洲华人论坛


Visa Requirement

Hello, does anyone know if Chinese citizen is required visa to enter Malaysia? Can I apply the visa when i am landed? Or have to do it here in New Zealand? Thanks! 评论 Effective 16 Aug 2010, Visa on Arrival will be completely abolished fo...澳洲华人论坛


Does insurance cover p house

其实是否应该每次出租前都做一次test 如果租客破坏成p house,保险公司会全赔吗?还是做test 也没用? 评论 做TEST的原因是分清责任 不是保险 评论 https://www.aainsurance.co.nz/home-insurance/lan...澳洲华人论坛


What does the third party mean?

Our application has been waiting the information from a third party for nearly 2 month. What does the third party mean? CO won't tell us the details. Anyone knows?? Thx 评论 就是和你这个case有关联的第三方,例如警察局,出入境...澳洲华人论坛


Land use: Multi-unit

Does this mean its a home and income property or unit? The house is single unit and there is only one address for this property. Why does it say its a multi-unit on Auckland Council Property Rates? 评论 你说对了,就是home income 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know VO Penitoa Finau

Does anyone know VO Penitoa Finau?how is he?verification officer. thanks! 评论 No one knows?;sad; 评论 me me me 楼主的申请下来了么 评论 he is nice guy. 评论 4# skytian 谢谢楼主,他都是怎么调查的呢,上门还是电...澳洲华人论坛


惠灵顿移民官 Tai Solanoa

Does any body know him? Pls help...... 评论 没人知道吗? 评论 He is my co. He is on holiday ....... 评论 Is your resident visa approved? How many months have you waited? 评论 How many months have you waited? I think he is quite...澳洲华人论坛


ARe there anyone who does PHYSICS 107?

I wasnt able to attend the lecture today, and I read from the Lecture, Test and Assignment Dates sheet that Assignment one should have given out yesterday, which the lecturer didnt. So I am wondering if he said anything about it today. The c...澳洲华人论坛


Easy courses

does any one know which first year papers are easy? 评论 美国的大学1周一个作业,一个学期2个考试,最后还有EXAM,理科4年毕业。 德国的大学1周一个作业,一个PROJECT,2个考试,最后的EXAM,理科...澳洲华人论坛


Easement Certificate ?

Does anybody know whatan Easement Certificate is? 评论 http://www.absolutelandsolutions ... nitions-e-h.htm#155 An easement certificate is the term used for the registered legal document for an easement on a certificate of title (registere...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know Bayview area in north shore?

Does anyone know Bayview area in north shore? Is that a good area or not. Thanks. 评论 比glenfield远一点,差一点,但是比birkedale之类好一点。 评论 非常不方便吧?非常非常。beach heaven和birkdale还有新码头...澳洲华人论坛


Does someone know about bayview this subsurb is goo

Does someone know about bayview this subsurb is good or not ? Does someone know about bayview this subsurb is good or not ?. Thx 评论 your english is very good 评论 交通不是很方便。但也有好景,和豪宅。telecom...澳洲华人论坛


how long does it take to issue a new title

at work, cannt type chinese{:8_384:} I am wondering how long does it take to issue a new property title. CCC was issued. does anyone know? PLZ HELP CHEERS 评论 Have you received the 224c certificate from the Council? You will need to get a...澳洲华人论坛


Does any one enroll 241.304 Chinese Grammar?

Does any one enroll 241.304 Chinese Grammar? 评论 全是中国人学 评论 有这门课的么 有要求的么 评论 我了个去 = = 中国人学中文paper不是只是一个低劣的笑话么?难道是真的? {:7_332:} 评论 。。。...澳洲华人论坛



What does this to do with Maseey??? 评论 个人看来南宋历史就是一出闹剧。aunt你写一段总结一下南宋为什么能坚持那么久不灭亡外加保持经济发展可能对NZ还更有价值 说到闹剧,好像跟NZ有微妙...澳洲华人论坛


Lost and Found

Lost Found! Does this looks familiar to u? We've tried to contact u but we can't do that wif ur passcode. Come find us! http://pic.twitter.com/LpxBDqVC 评论 帮顶一下 评论 Thanks! but it's still with us! the phone's language is in ch...澳洲华人论坛


LIM and floor planning

Does LIM have floor planning map inside or not? 评论 anyone? should i go to read council file tomorrow 评论 LIM不包括floor plan. You have to go city council to check property file for floor plan. 评论 一些房屋甚至没有propert...澳洲华人论坛



Your browser does not support html5 audiot. 某年3月在南天寺循着芬芳扑鼻的香味第一次发现了和白兰并肩开花的黄兰,立即陶醉且折服于它的芳烈。可是与白兰不同,苗圃卖的黄兰都是籽发的实...澳洲华人论坛



Does my child have to be the same routine as everyone in the child care centre. Seeking advice 评论 每个cc都不同。我家宝去的那个一岁以下的班是individual routine的,其他都是统一的 评论 我们也跟楼上的一样...澳洲华人论坛


OC Past Paper

Does anyone know where to get OC test past papers? 评论 only ones available are 2001/2002/2003 that you can search at Education department website. 评论 正解 评论 多谢。 评论 可以去官网上买。 评论 Gumtree 也不少在卖...澳洲华人论坛


does computer and printer affect my baby during my

A qestion for working mums: we have to use computer at least 8 hours per day, and sometimes do need to use printer and photocopier... If I don't wear fang fu she fu, will my baby be affected? and what's worst effect would it affect my baby?...澳洲华人论坛


Baby movement

Hi, does anyone konw how many times should a 27-weeek baby move everyday ? I asked the ob today, he said if the movement is less than 10 times perday, I have to do the CTG to check. Does anyone know any side effect for CTG? 评论 但是我问...澳洲华人论坛



Does anyone know where I can find a good therapist for Cupping in Melboune? It has to be a FEMALE therapist. My shoulder and neck is soooooo tense, I miss my old cupping therapist who left Melb and works in Auckland now 评论 自己买套真空...澳洲华人论坛


does a high school student need to pay bus fare if

那个州这么牛x? 还是你把校车和public transport搞混了? 评论 Depend how many km from your home to school ,my son have to pay 1-2 section because less that 2 km. 评论 You have to pay with your MYKI (student concession) if you...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know what it is?

切开后的样子,大小和荔枝差不多,手感像凉了的糯米团。 2018-3-31 22:54 上传 下载附件 (257.2 KB) 切开后的样子,大小和荔枝差不多,像凉了的糯米团。 评论 在Parramatta River Morrisons Bay 附...澳洲华人论坛


Ask NRMA: does the three seconds stop rule exist?

https://www.mynrma.com.au/cars-a ... nds-stop-rule-exist 的确是不用从1001数到1003,但是路考时停不够3秒的,挂掉的几率会大一些。考官可能会觉着你的安全意识差一些,那时你跟考官掰扯法律条文...澳洲华人论坛


Who knows Ever Ugg? Is it good?

Does anyone know this brand? How are the products? Worth buying? Thanks 评论 同问,有人买过吗?我也在微信看到了,那个儿童小马鞋好可爱啊。 评论 他家款式很多,好像别的牌子都比较单调,有大虾知...澳洲华人论坛


被烂鬼追尾,他称“I am bad luck, as he doe

你是全险吗?是的话就安啦 评论 安慰楼主。静候其他大侠帮忙出主意。 评论 你和他说 这就句话留着给你的保险公司去说 评论 那你可以回他,it looks like you have bad luck, the insurance will...澳洲华人论坛



As above. Does Costco save a lot? Given the membership already costs $60p.a... I am thinking if I should sign up for a Costco membership... Thanks :) 评论 work for me 评论 spend more more money ~ 评论 depends. sometimes you could find...澳洲华人论坛


what does NUTs mean?

My manager always says, my phone got nuts.... I think it means it's too busy. Is this right? Today, the bus driver says, it's nuts, man.... is that mean, it's too crowd?? 评论 go nuts, get nuts = go crazy 评论 Phrases: You drive me NUTS 这...澳洲华人论坛


what does "PAX" stand for in the

I know it means numbers. however, what does it stand for? Does PAX equal to number of people? 评论 passenger 评论 Thanks. I googled and it said the same thing. However, this one is not used for flights. just the invoice for tourism. Is i...澳洲华人论坛


what does ''I'm just screwing with your mind'' mean

rt 评论 说实话,真不知道怎么翻这句话…… something is screwing/messing with your mind/head,我理解意思大概是something让你烦,头大,讨厌,feel sick 比如the network is screwing with my mind,the movie is...澳洲华人论坛


Does it ring a bell

刚跟同事学了一句话,不知是不是澳洲方言,记录一下,免得以后忘了,也分享给不知道的同学。 Does it ring a bell? 你想起来了么? 跟别人描述一件以前的事,问他还记不记得,就可以用...澳洲华人论坛


what does this mean?

Okie dokey, what does this mean? 评论 噢了 评论 应该就是“好的”的意思,俏皮的说法。好像see you later, alligator. 不对的话,请楼下指正。 评论 卖萌 评论 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term...澳洲华人论坛