Is any one know the procedure for discharge loan.
I have send discharge form to my lend they charge me 6.98% interest ,it is AIMS (most staff our people) the rate is terrible, but begin is very attractive.....
Now I am going to change to Bank west. is anyone know the procedure....
I had loan approval from Bankwest. I just send discharge form asking settle date on 22/6/12. what should I do next? I am too poor to afford a lawyer.
很简单,你让BW发通知给AIMs to book a settlement date。 如果AIMs 没有问题了,会agree.
我以前也是AIMs,他们很糟糕。我当时要转走的时候,她们总是拖拉着就想我晚几天走。我的银行给AIMs发了好几次fax to book settlement, AIMs就说没有收到fax, 所以最后我自己发了两次,说收到了。这个影响了晚四天settle. 经验供你参考。
旧的lender你要follow up, 不然他们会拖很久的。你通知他们的settlement 日子一般很难实现,你自己做的话要记住一直催他们。
老公是broker, 好像他推荐variable rate citibank 5.89%,fixed rate st George 5.74%.
我们自己家用的是homeside 和hsbc, 过一段时间也要转了。
AIMS just contact me , they can give me the rate@5.79% 3years fix rate, is any one know is good?
I have been talk to them year ago to reduce rates, they tell me , I can release the loan. but with penalty 4k. now my loan is due. when I want re-finance, they want give me 5.79% for 3 years. can they be trust again, is any one wish AIMS
不喜欢AIMs, 太阴了。。谁知道以后耍什么招。。我们太被动。。
为什么要fixed 呀,是投资房么?如果是自住的个人不喜欢fixed,因为要还principal and interest,还不能还太多太快。
现在利率还在降,过一段fixed rate估计还会低的。
可以考虑split loan.
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