Strictly 的 62 岁尼克·诺尔斯 (Nick Knowles)
尼克·诺尔斯 (Nick Knowles) 引发了人们的担忧,他可能会退出《舞动奇迹 2024》,因为他的手臂严重受伤,只能用吊带吊着。 这位 62 岁的 DIY SOS 明星周一与他的职业搭档 Luba Mushtuk 一起在...澳洲华人论坛
尼克·诺尔斯 (Nick Knowles) 引发了人们的担忧,他可能会退出《舞动奇迹 2024》,因为他的手臂严重受伤,只能用吊带吊着。 这位 62 岁的 DIY SOS 明星周一与他的职业搭档 Luba Mushtuk 一起在...澳洲华人论坛
她将于今年晚些时候与未婚夫 Josh Barker 迎来她的第三个孩子。 周三,怀孕的伊莉丝·诺尔斯 (Elyse Knowles) 在拜伦湾与儿子玩耍时,展示了她日益增大的肚子。 这位两个孩子的母亲穿着...澳洲华人论坛
转眼2024,在论坛的历史进入第十五个年头,小A也马上十五岁了 2023这一年有很多‘开挂’的事,因为各种原因没有写,只有零散碎入每一个回帖里。小A通过几位朋友晓得了妈妈是论坛...澳洲华人论坛
一家小银行,我用了很久,今天发了个邮件说KYC,基本意思就是风控管理,要我打电话确认要提交什么文件,不然的话14天内可能关闭账户。 我打电话,电话客服说只要update ID就好,让...澳洲华人论坛
我懂了现在我相信我们做到了,我做梦也没想到我可以在 48 小时内筹集到 75k,我们全力以赴,我认为我仍然无法按时完成,但我的 [世界上最好的老公] 熬夜了 24 小时跑来跑去,在他现...澳洲华人论坛
Paul做的H6车评 感觉随着时间积累以及其他竞争对手大幅度涨价,长城汽车的竞争力越来越明显了, 比别家便宜很多,但是并没有在质量,设计和使用体...澳洲华人论坛
--------- 评论 沙发,顶 评论 车牌都这么炫:o 评论 广告位招租 评论 我靠,黑帮大场面啊。 评论 太帅了:) 可以发给长城做广告了 评论 长城哈弗车托大聚会 评论 评论 长城市场部需要跟...澳洲华人论坛
大家好,本人坐标维州D开头City,本人最近也购入了辆车版最近热门的you know what车型,想在这里分享下购入的历程跟初步的使用感受,这里不会涉及任何其他品牌的车的比较,一方面因...澳洲华人论坛
从一开始的想买二手车,到二手车市场如此火爆。到因为疫情,新车/二手市场缺车,被大部分长达8-10个月等车企所吓倒。后来机缘巧合的状态下得知haval h6这么一辆车。 从原本对国...澳洲华人论坛
I drove from Harbour bridge to Silverdale, there was a board mentioined toll fee. How can I check if I need to pay or not? If yes, how shall I pay? Better without any surcharge. 评论 评论 google northern toll...澳洲华人论坛
any know who own this company?? 评论 why? 评论 i just want to buy 2 items from him outside trademe and see if i can get discount hahaha n i remember he is a china2au member 评论 他不是china2au会员,更不是中国人,叫vick,就...澳洲华人论坛
评论 评论 谢谢,收藏一个......澳洲华人论坛
Anyone know any BMW approved Panel Beater in Blockhouse Bay area or central auckland area? Thank you very much for the help!!! 评论 bm work shop 评论 But they don't do panel and paint unfortunately. thanks 评论 otahuhu 老苏人和修理...澳洲华人论坛
My friend's kid want to study at a middle school at Epsom, is there one for boys only? How can I find the district range for that school? Many thanks in advance. 评论 進該校網站看看不就知道了嗎? 评论 just call the school a...澳洲华人论坛 ... 1objectid=11707739 三个中国人去爬Mt Taranaki东线,结果被困山腰,其中一个手还断了。登山是一项需要体力和技术的活动,冬季登山不像夏天一样,各位户外爱好...澳洲华人论坛
Anyone know where can I buy Satellite 6B 共享 in NZ? 评论 啥叫“Satellite 6B 共享”,没懂你的意思。 评论 收6B加密节目的共享 评论 还是没懂楼主的意思,真是惜字如金啊。你所谓共享是和谁共享...澳洲华人论坛
看得忍不住哭出来... 当了妈妈以后, 才知道,原来宝宝出生前希望她乖, 她可爱这些什么都没有她的健康来的重要... 希望上天真的可以听到大家的祈祷... 祝福宝宝可以健康 评论 我弟...澳洲华人论坛
请问怎么样才能知道我们家的电视是否是digital? 电视model是: PHILIPS CINEOS 42PFL9532/98.在PHILIPS 网站查不到啊. 请知道的朋友帮忙. 评论 你这款电视不是Digital的,看Freeview是要另外配个机顶盒...澳洲华人论坛
Anyone knows where to buy Playpen Jolly Kids? Couldn't find anything at Baby factory or baby city. Some online shops are out of stock and need to wait a few months. I lost the bidding on Trade me last week, nothing new comes up this week. I...澳洲华人论坛
Mum is here to help me look after babies. She is so bored. Any one know how to watch Hongkong programme on line please? 评论 PPTV............................ 评论 Thanks! But not many Hongkong programme available there. Any other suggest...澳洲华人论坛
请问有谁知道 judy pang移民官吗?? 刚被分到移民官了 评论 dddddddddd 评论 upupupupup 评论 ding 评论 同是上海branch握一下手。 知道有什么用? 评论 nothing particular, just want know how quick she i...澳洲华人论坛
They want to know what the baby will look like and who it will take after The source adds. 评论 资料补充说道,他们想要知道这个孩子会长成什么样以及会与谁想象 评论 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 这像他的...澳洲华人论坛
May i know what is the market price for this house? 评论 you want to know how much it sold for? (that's not necessarily the market price) 评论 i want to know how much the value in the market now? 600k? 70...澳洲华人论坛 评论 不知道 评论 4, 5百万要的, 这个比前两天browns bay 那个, 哪个更好?? 评论 好房,要4 5 百万 评论 好房子~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 评论 好房子,还有自己的码头 评...澳洲华人论坛
Recent 60 min shown in NZ TV ( parts 1 2 below). It is Australia tales, not a reflection on nz market ( ha !) The Big Short (2015) - Dr. Michael Burry Betting Against the Housing Market ( recommended movie for this weekend) 评论 这是在给...澳洲华人论坛
Does anyone know VO Penitoa Finau?how is he?verification officer. thanks! 评论 No one knows?;sad; 评论 me me me 楼主的申请下来了么 评论 he is nice guy. 评论 4# skytian 谢谢楼主,他都是怎么调查的呢,上门还是电...澳洲华人论坛
Any one know her??{:8_487:} 评论 恭喜你,你被分到了,人类历史上最脑残的移民官手里(没有并列,排名绝对第一) 评论 why??? ke yi shuo shuo ta zen me nao can ma??????? 55555555555555!!!!!!!!!!tell me why!...澳洲华人论坛
Know someone who is looking for a property in Auckland? Receive $500 CASH reward for every successful referral 知道谁寻找在奥克兰的财产吗?接收每个成功推荐的 500 美元现金奖励 7 Eden Crescent, Auckland Central -...澳洲华人论坛
have to know the place by tomorrow as I've got a afternoon comlaw 203 tut. Would be keen to find out myself by have no time as I need to catch up with the coursework. Any comments or help would be appreciated. cheers. SSG 评论 I knew there...澳洲华人论坛
does any one know which first year papers are easy? 评论 美国的大学1周一个作业,一个学期2个考试,最后还有EXAM,理科4年毕业。 德国的大学1周一个作业,一个PROJECT,2个考试,最后的EXAM,理科...澳洲华人论坛
Does anyone know Bayview area in north shore? Is that a good area or not. Thanks. 评论 比glenfield远一点,差一点,但是比birkedale之类好一点。 评论 非常不方便吧?非常非常。beach heaven和birkdale还有新码头...澳洲华人论坛
Anyone know why is this so cheap, is it because there are many state houses in the street? ... ction-620635424.htm 评论 SH20工程问题,政府修地收地起高速? 评论 hendon ave....... good luck^^ 评...澳洲华人论坛
Does someone know about bayview this subsurb is good or not ? Does someone know about bayview this subsurb is good or not ?. Thx 评论 your english is very good 评论 交通不是很方便。但也有好景,和豪宅。telecom...澳洲华人论坛
let him know you will sue him in tribunal. After that his name will be blacklisted if he is going to borrow money from bank in future. The decision is up to him. My experience with Fiji indian is you need to be tough ( do what you meant), o...澳洲华人论坛
Anyone know what's the final auction price? 评论 虽然没海景 不过好区好房 评论 昨天晚上去了 这个房子没有人开价 流拍 评论 估计等流拍私聊小窗去了 评论 这个房直接passed in。 好像根本没有人...澳洲华人论坛
Any one know where to buyecostore 婴儿洗衣粉的吗? 评论 woolworth有卖 评论 oh? thank you very much!! 评论 请问是牌子就叫这个吗,为什么我在WWS找不到给婴儿用的洗衣粉阿 评论 我也是朋友介绍的这个...澳洲华人论坛
dear all: do you know any good iPad apps to learn Chinese? i know a child who is 5 years old. his parents want him to learn Chinese. if you have any ideas, could you please contribute/recommend some apps to help children to learn Chinese? so...澳洲华人论坛
Does anyone know where to get OC test past papers? 评论 only ones available are 2001/2002/2003 that you can search at Education department website. 评论 正解 评论 多谢。 评论 可以去官网上买。 评论 Gumtree 也不少在卖...澳洲华人论坛
RT. some friends say needs 4 weeks, but some said only two weeks. Any one knows? 评论 2星期足够了,period 一没按期来,就知道了。验孕试纸基本上10天后就可测出来。 评论 Thanks. Can you know that before your n...澳洲华人论坛
People need to educate kids to appreciate the little things life. Just do the best you can to teach them right. That material things is not everything teach them to respect everyone around them try to stay away from negativity. Teach them t...澳洲华人论坛
2014-6-28 18:38 上传 下载附件 (314.96 KB) 评论 我们单位厕所门上就贴了这个 每天都要对照一下...澳洲华人论坛
Ask your teen child(s) to wikipedia it, and come back with stories worth telling. 评论 Living in Australia, you know about marsupial, don't you? Marsupials are the group of mammals commonly thought of as pouched mammals. Marsupials are bes...澳洲华人论坛
just want to know how long it will take to get 143 after submitting application? how long it will take to be asked to have AOS after submitting 143 application? how long it will take to get AOS done? Thanks Heaps... 评论澳洲华人论坛
Hi, Dear all,want to know your bone health and how far your bone from fracture? we are doing research in Austin Health, Melbourne, regarding bone growth in children of 7yrs or older and bone density of their parents. Two machines will used t...澳洲华人论坛
切开后的样子,大小和荔枝差不多,手感像凉了的糯米团。 2018-3-31 22:54 上传 下载附件 (257.2 KB) 切开后的样子,大小和荔枝差不多,像凉了的糯米团。 评论 在Parramatta River Morrisons Bay 附...澳洲华人论坛
大家怎么看 评论 eat 评论 you never know what you caught!! 好像中六合彩鱼上钩那种沉甸甸收线的质感。。好爽。 当然还有海里放风的感觉也很好,away of everything. 评论 喜欢鱼轮转动的声音,像...澳洲华人论坛
最近有幸结识了一位西人法律教授。他不定期在各地举办讲座,大家有兴趣可以去听一下! 讲座是一个叫做 know your rights group的团体举办的,大家可以google搜索他们,去他们的网站看看...澳洲华人论坛
l know the pilot。。 那个新航299北京我就是在他们家看到的。。。这次活动还有799飞London。。299飞首尔。。 注册一下。。每天会给你发email的。。。我在等日本特价。...澳洲华人论坛
I Know The Pilot Flights to Santiago, Chile from $979 Return on Qantas/LATAM Qantas and LATAM are having a sale on flights to Santiago, Chile. Travel in Oct-Nov/17 + Jan-Mar/18. Flights are direct from Sydney. Click the links below to see al...澳洲华人论坛
问一个很白的问题。 如果有人在邮件中告诉了我一件事,我应该回复: thank you for letting me know 还是 thank you for letting me know this:o [ 本帖最后由 感恩的心 于 2009-7-31 13:08 编辑 ] 评论 the f...澳洲华人论坛