网上曾经有人说过,如果一投资房买的时候花了40万,过了5年涨到50,中间退了5万的税,那cgt应该是50-40+5=15的税,如果过了一年打半价,如果按这种算法,那岂不是就算平价平出,也还要交5万德CGT, 我的意思是就算5年按40万卖出,也还是同样要交5万的CGT吗? 当然其中一些折旧可以免税,我省略不说,就想问问是不是这么个算法吗
It depends on timing.....
eg. At 40% marginal rate, every dollar entered into
TAX return - Investment property - Item R "capital works deduction"
generates 40 cents tax return immediately.
When the ppty is sold, every dollar entered into Item R in the past is subject to CGT tax.
However the total tax return received in the past would much likely exceed the CGT tax to pay because
1 - CGT tax is half of margainal tax rate should the ppty be held for longer than 1 year
2 - Most investors don't sell until retirement or in a low-income year, when CGT tax rates drop to 0~15%.
[ 本帖最后由 laji 于 2012-5-24 00:06 编辑 ]
50-40 then divide 2= 5
then depends on your personal income level in the year
might 30% of 50000
could 15% part of 50000 or even 38% of part 50000
不过也向你说的,等低收入那年再卖。 你我还想问一下,如果40万买的,38万卖掉了,中间退了5万的税,是不是还要交CGT,因为38-40+5=3,相当于hold住一年后还要交3万德margin rate的税。亏大了
Example 52: Capital works deduction
Zoran acquired a rental property on 1 July 1997 for $200,000. Before disposing of the property on 30 June 2011, he had claimed $10,000 in capital works deductions.
At the time of disposal, the cost base of the property was $210,250. Zoran must reduce the cost base of the property by $10,000 to $200,250.
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