请问是不是购买private hospital cover就税务上来说,只对Medicare Levy Surcharge有影响?
像我和老婆加起来收入不超过18万的话,不买private hospital cover是不是也不用交任何Medicare Levy Surcharge?
Lifetime Health Cover loading到底是什么,我听人说是超过30再买private hospital cover,就需要付这个loading,买保险的费用每年增加2%?那我如果30的时候,保费是3600一年的保费,但我没有买,到了40的时候决定买了,保费本身已涨到是4800一年,此外还需再付loading=4800×2%,这样要付10年,之后只要继续买保险就不要再付这2%了。是不是这样理解?
还有Private health insurance (PHI) rebate 是另外打到账户里的?还是在报税给ato的时候直接就抵扣掉了?
楼上的回答不地道,收入是会涨的,过31岁后没有Private Insurance一旦收入超过就要付出累积的Lifetime Health Cover loading
交了Surcharge 就不用交Loading,但是一旦开始交就要算每年额外2%
你家庭收入25万,Surchage 就要 3000,一家的私人保险也就这个价格,为什么不要?笔白交给政府好多了
Who pays Lifetime Health Cover?
If you do not have hospital cover with an Australian registered health fund on your Lifetime Health Cover base day and then decide to take out hospital cover later in life, you will pay a 2% loading on top of your premium for every year you are aged over 30.
In most cases, your Lifetime Health Cover base day is the later of 1 July 2000 or the 1st of July following your 31st birthday.
For example, if you take out hospital cover at age 40 you will pay 20% more than someone who first took out hospital cover at age 30. The maximum loading is 70%.
Once you have paid a LHC loading on your private hospital insurance for 10 continuous years, the loading is removed. Your loading will then remain at 0% as long as you retain your hospital cover; or, if you cancel your cover after the loading is removed, as long as you do not exceed your permitted days without hospital cover (see below).
www.privatehealth.gov.au/healthi ... timehealthcover.htm
Maximum loading 70%跟抢钱差不多,而且这个loading还不享受政府的rebate。
如果收入到的话那没得说一定要买,不然会被收从1%、1.25%或1.5%的medicare levy surcharge,三个坎$90000、$105000、 $140000,家庭这个数乘二,每个小孩再加个$1500。
但是牙医呢,还有一些比如眼镜,按摩一类的Rebate 还是有一些的
从base day 开始之后才能算入这个三年,base day 如何决定如下:
Permitted days without hospital cover
If you have taken up hospital cover on or after your Lifetime Health Cover base day, then you can access the following 'permitted days without hospital cover' during which you don't have an active hospital policy, but your loading does not increase. For most people, your base day is the later of 1 July 2000 or the 1 July after your 31st birthday.
Gaps in cover - to cover small gaps, such as switching from one fund to another, you are able to be without hospital cover for periods totalling 1094 days (i.e. three years less one day) during your lifetime, without affecting your loading. This is known as 'Days of Absence'.
If you use up your Days of Absence - that is, you have a total gap period of 1095 days - you will pay a 2% loading on rejoining private hospital cover. The loading will increase by 2% for every year after that without cover.
新移民的base day:
If you are a new migrant to Australia, then you have until the later of 1 July following your 31st birthday or the first anniversary of your full Medicare registration to take out private hospital cover without incurring a Lifetime Health Cover loading.
以上都是“纸上”看来的,想知道这个的最好办法就是上Private health provider 网上填个quote,或者找他们的online chat.
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