4.Private health insurance部分,Were you and all your dependants covered by an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover for the full year?关于这个选项我的情况是现在还没有子女,自己先一个人在这边,所以就只自己买了一份私人保险,那么这个情况下是选YES还是NO呢?
另外,保险公司已经预先录入Private health insurance policy details在系统里面,但是我发现时同一账号下两份不同的信息,包括金额都不相同,请问这个是什么原因会有两个信息?我该怎么处理呢?直接点NEXT?
1. You do not need to fill in the Superannuation info unless you receive super income stream, super lump sum, you have reportable super contribution, or you want to claim personal super contribution
2. Yes, you can ignore the interest if it is less than $1 each account
3. In your case, taxable income for your spouse is Nil
4. From 1 April 2014, the Australian Government private health insurance rebate will be adjusted annually by the proportional increase in the consumer price index compared to the proportional average premium increase. If private health insurance premiums were paid before and after 1 April 2014, your private health insurance statement will reflect the information relevant for these periods separately for each person covered by those payments. Since the changes form 1 Apr 14, you will need to report the premiums and rebates in two lines
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