情况是这样的:我05年在澳洲读书时申请的TFN,用这个TFN报过一次税(打工的钱),07年毕业因为想着是永久离开澳洲,就申请提取了superannuation. 然后就一直在国内工作,直到13年我在国内申请到PR,然后马上短登了一下就回国了。 现在准备去长登澳洲,想在MyGov里连接一下ATO,输入TFN号码、姓名、出生年月后,提示Ineligible to link。我查了下FAQ,他的解释是:
You are ineligible to link the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to your myGov account as the ATO has insufficient information on record to verify your identity. The ATO needs to have at least two separate items from the following list on record in order for you to be able to attempt to link:
Notice of Assessment (from the last 5 years)
PAYG Payment Summary (from the last 2 years)
Centrelink payment summary (from the last 2 years)
Superannuation account details (from the last 5 years)
Dividends statement (from the last 2 years)
Bank account details
You may need to try again at a later date to allowing time for the ATO to receive and process information reported by other agencies (e.g. your employer, your superannuation fund, Centrelink).
我的问题是,我现在在中国,也没有上述item提供给ATO,我唯一能提供的就是Bank account details。 现在这种情况怎么办,电话里说得清吗? 还是等到我来到澳洲后再上门找他们解决?
在MyGov里连接一下ATO---你连接的目的是啥? 就算你连接了你也没有任何信息。。亲。
你不需要退税吧?你为什么要连呢?等明年你有收入再连吧.除非你有小孩,有拿福利金之类的.你就要通报一下FAMILY ASSISTANT OFFICE
我是想改一下地址。 因为最近会打一笔钱到我澳洲银行户口里去,我怕ATO发现后发邮件要我解释海外收入什么的,而我压根就不记得以前留的哪里的通讯地址了,我怕漏接邮件。
电ato 吧。。你link 不上的。。。
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