我的房产不多,但是想来计划下怎么弄会让房产和贷款结构比较好。这个是要请会计,还是financial planner,还是broker?我在墨尔本,有自荐的TX不?我比较小白,不太懂税务。大家都是找谁计划,还是大家都已经比较精通了。。。。。。
强烈推荐坛子的 sts-tax 。。墨村 御用 会计啊 。。
Accountants can help you in tax planning, i.e. how to minimise tax in property investment.
Financial planner can help you to plan your finance, i.e. how diversify your investments, what insurance you should have and super fund etc.
Broker can help you to choose a loan which suits you
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