如果是joint tenants就50 - 50的比例,如果是tenants in common 就可以按照不同比例来share 支出和收入。请问一下我怎么才能判断我的tentants 是joint tenants 和 tenants in common 呢?
Dividing income and expenses according to legal interest
Co-owners who are not carrying on a rental property business must divide the income and expenses for the rental property in line with their legal interest in the property. If they own the property as:
■ joint tenants, they each hold an equal interest in the property
■ tenants in common, they may hold unequal interests in the property, for example, one may hold a 20% interest and the other an 80% interest.
Rental income and expenses must be attributed to each co-owner according to their legal interest in the property, despite any agreement between co-owners, either oral or in writing, stating otherwise.
这句话是不是说如果我们是co-owner就一定是50/50的比例,而不能让收入多的那个share 多些income and expenses呢? 因为作为co-owner来说我们的legal interest 是对等的。
楼主已经说出区别来了呀。joint tenants 50-50, tenants in common 就是以不同的比例分收入和支出。
问题是我不知道那种情况属于joint tenants, 那种情况属于tenants in common呀!不都是tenants 吗?
如果平均分配,就是JOINT,如果不平均,就是 IN Common。
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