公司投资建房准备出售,在建房过程中claim了GST,但是完工后销售期间暂时经过中介出租,那如何处理gst。如果过一段时间销售了房屋,该怎么处理GST。有如果在公司名下一直出租 ,GST有该如何处理。上述情况家具、电器等GST能不能继续CLAIM。
建的房是属于commercial purpose还是residential purpose?
commercial 跟residential在这个问题上有很大区别 commercial rent是GST taxable 所以建筑费用的GST可以退回 但如果是residential 出租的话 租金是"input taxed" 建筑费用的GST 是不能退的 如果已经退了 要调整还回
出租过的话 之前Claim的GST 有一部分要还回去 具体算法有个方程 你的会计会根据你的情况计算的
出租1年收到的房租钱是input taxed supply, 所以为了赚房租而买的家俱不退GST。因为造房目的还卖新房,个人理解添置家俱是为了赚房租。
出租1年后卖掉'房子'时,房子还是属于'新房'-new residential premises (如出租5年,就不属新房),售房交gst,造房费用退gst。
注:subdivision may not result in new residential premises.
Agree with michael.jyu
1. When the company constructed the properties with the intention to sell, the company is entitled to input tax credits on the costs of construction and P & E.
2. However, when the comapny leased thepreperties, the company has used the propertoes for a purpose that is not creditable. The company needs to repay the amount it has claimed by making an adjustment in the BAS
3. If the properties are rented out for at least 5 years after construction, any sale will be an input taxed supply and GST will not apply to the sale. However, any sale before the expiration of 5 years will result in the sale being a taxable supply and GST will apply. If the sale takes place within the first 5 years, it may also re-establish the entitlement to some input tax credits on the acquisitions used in constructing the properties (input tax credits on the costs of construction and P & E) and a further adjustment will be required. This will depend on whether or not the sale occurs before the end of the final adjustment period in respect of the acquisitions.
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