最近想注册一个ABN主要是用来自己给别人做一些计算机维护方面的服务的时候用。在线申请了一下, 结果被拒绝了。然后看了一下其中的有个问题是这样的。好象是我答错了, 麻烦大家帮我分析以下:
You are not entitled to an ABN if any of the following statements apply. •
Your activity is carried out as an employee or in connection with earning payment as a company director, office holder or under a labour hire arrangement.
An employee is a person who receives a salary or wage in return for work or services rendered.
这是啥意思, 我当时申请的时候写的是director因为就我一个人嘛,按着这个来讲是不可以???
ding yi xia
就是说你不能作为employee申请abn,你的情况要么是contractor要么sole trader吧
我就是选的solo trader呀 那该怎么选呢? 谢谢
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