I'm new to prepare super account for a client, and don't khow how to split the following contributions:
A: 71yrs old Contribute $50,000
B: 71yrs old Contribute $50,000
C: 32yrs old Contribute $25,000
D: 34yrs old Contribute $25,000
Please help me to have a look whether I have posted correctly:
185 Employer Mandated Contribution
185-010 preserved $ 50,000
185-030 unrestricted $100,000
It looks like there's no super expert here?!
错 了 //
1.。 71yrs old 除非有工作。。否则不能 contribute。。
2. 32yrs old Contribute $25,000 / 34yrs old Contribute $25,000 是有工作么?
是那种contribute?是employer contribution还是membercontribution?
是 concesstional ? non-concesstional? 你这个应该是 employer concesstional 吧。
3.employer contribution/membercontribution 在 profit/loss 里。
preserved/nonpreserved/unrestricted 等是在 blanace sheet里。。你的coding description又错了。。
A & B: 71yrs old they pass work test. Can contribute $50,000 each from their family trust.
Their family trust paid salaries to them as below:
2012 9% SG Additional employer super Contribution Total Tax Deduction w/FT account
A: $19,000 $ 1,710 $48,290 $50,000
B: $70,000 $ 6,300 $43,700 $50,000
C: $96,000 $ 8,640 $16,360 $25,000
D: $ 3,000 $ 270 $24,730 $25,000
When I was preparing their super account by using Desktop Super, and posted above super contribution as below:
On Super Fund P&L:
185-030: Employer Mandated Unrestricted contribution: $1,710
185-030: Employer Mandated Unrestricted contribution: $6,300
185-010: Employer Mandated Preserved contribution: $8,640
185-010: Employer Mandated Preserved contribution: $ 270
187-010: Employer Other Preseved Contribution $16,360
187-010: Employer Other Preseved Contribution $24,730
187-030: Employer Other Unrestricted contribution: $48,290
187-030: Employer Other Unrestricted contribution: $43,700
Total Taxable Super Contribution: $150,000
Did I post correctly?
你的软件是2012 版本的么? 怎么感觉你在用很老的版本?
在pl 里 只能出现以下account
employer contribution -concesstional
member concontribution -concesstional
member concontribution -non concesstional。。。
self super 里面
DR cash 150,000
CR employer contribution -concesstional A 50k
employer contribution -concesstional B 50k
employer contribution -concesstional C 25k
employer contribution -concesstional D 25k
A和 b 取钱的时候用到的账户
pention paid- unrestrict preserve non preserve/tax free &taxable
Balance sheet 里面: 软件是自动做journal的。。
关联帐户有 1。 accumulated account
2。 pention account 。。
所有钱都是进入 accumulated account -employer contribution-preserverd or non preserved
第2年的时候 opening balance 自动分到相对应的帐号。。
你的 这个案例
A和b 50k 都进Unrestrict non preserve Acc (balance sheet)
c和 d 25k都进Preseved ACC(balance sheet)
A和b 50k c 和 d 25k 都进 employer contribution (p&L)
至于为什么你的P & L 要细分。可能跟你的 (p&L)的 contribution要 对应link 到 balance sheet的 每个 acc有关吧
Thanks for your reply.
What software you normally used for preparation of super fund account?
BGL or class super这2 款 是专业 级的。。 firm在用的居多 。。。
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