澳洲针对新的Private Health Insurance Rebate的解决方法


7月1日,就要有means test,根据收入来计算Private Health Insurance Rebate,不再是以前一刀切了。具体内容看下面:

if you're likely to be hit by the new means test on the tax rebate for private health insurance, you should consider prepaying next year's premium before June 30.

''The Tax Office put out a ruling in 2004 that says you get the benefit of the rebate in the year you pay the premium,'' he says. ''So if you pay now, you should still be eligible for the full rebate.''

From July 1, the full rebate will only apply for singles earning up to $84,000 and couples earning up to $168,000. A reduced rebate will apply for those earning between these amounts and $130,000/$260,000, with higher earners missing out altogether. An increased Medicare surcharge will apply to those earning more than $97,000/$194,000 who don't take out private health insurance.
The head of technical services at Colonial First State, Deborah Wixted, says if you're likely to get a lower rebate next year or miss out, prepaying is well worth considering.

For a family with one child paying a premium of $231.90 a month (or $2782.90 a year including the current 30 per cent tax offset), prepaying now could save between $397.55 and $1192.70 next year, depending on which income bracket they fall into.
Wixted says while there are three ways of claiming the rebate (through reduced insurance premiums, claiming a lump sum from Medicare, or claiming the rebate in your tax return), your best bet is to opt for lower premiums.
Health insurers are confident they can pass on the rebate in the form of lower premiums for prepayments but Wixted says both Medicare and the Tax Office have indicated they have not yet confirmed how they'll handle prepayments in light of the new legislation. She says some insurers are even offering the ability to prepay for up to 18 months.


If you’re not affected by the changes to the rebate, you don’t need to do anything. If you are affected, you have a number of options:

Do nothing - any amount over your rebate entitlement will be taken into account after you lodge your tax return.

Nominate a rebate % - as long as you’re registered for the Federal Government Rebate, you can nominate a rebate percentage Online, by calling 132 331 or by visiting your nearest Medibank store. This will be applied to your premium from 1 July 2012.

Pay your premium upfront - Pay your premium upfront - Some private health insurance members may pay their premiums in advance with the intention of claiming their current rebate percentage. If you'd like to do the same, you can choose to prepay by calling us on 132 331 by 23 June 2012. We suggest you seek financial & taxation advice on whether prepayment is suitable for you.

简单说,你可以什么都不做,然后到下年(2013.7月)报税时由ATO来计算,按照收入获得不同rebate, 多退少补。

如果rebate以后会很低或者没有,就事先prepay premium,至少下面1年可以享受目前rebate。


Good read. Just want to add that under the tax law health insurance rebate can only be claimed for premiums for the current financial year. The rebate on the prepayment is facilitated by a discretion from the Health Minister. To enjoy the 30% rebate on prepay premium the rebate better to be claimed through the health fund. If some one try to claim on the 12/13 return the ATO is in the position to decline the claim. Not saying that they will but they could.
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