1)如果一个公司A把一个business premises 买给公司B,然后又把房子从公司B那里租了回来,那么卖business premises时候的CGT event还是A1么?因为A1的发生除了要求ownership改变 还需要卖方不能继续Beneficially own the asset,不太清楚租回来房子继续用算不算是在beneficially own the asset。
2)如果公司A买房子给公司B的时候,是按低于房子市价很多的价格卖的,那么算gst的时候,是按买房子的实际价格除以11算,还是按市价除以11算呢?不太清除会不会有什么anti-avoidence rules 会apply
3)如果一个公司A买了一个residential premises,然后把它改造成business premises,那么改造期间买的家具是算depreciating assets计算折旧呢,还是算在整个房屋的cost base里面呢?
1)如果一个公司A把一个business premises 买给公司B。。
assume 市场价格,CGT eventA1 occur on the sign of contract day.. 不是settlement day。。
然后又把房子从公司B那里租了回来 ,assume 市场价格。。把房子从公司B那里租了回来是在sign contract 之前还是之后呢? 是在settlment 之前还是之后呢? 时间点不一样的到的答案就不一样哦。。
2)是按低于房子市价很多的价格卖的,那么算gst的时候按买房子的实际价格除以11算。。innitially一切以invoice 为准。
然后 --买房子的实际价格? 你怎么知道实际价格??在assinment 里面你要assume了。。现实中。。ato会以以该区域的
3)买了一个residential premises,然后把它改造成busineess premises--- 改造期间买的家具的 innitial intention是什么? 改造后这些家具能继续做办公用途么?
比如买的是书桌。椅子。这类办公家具 当然是depreciating assets。。
[ 本帖最后由 lee2267 于 2012-4-16 22:13 编辑 ]
非常感谢你的帮助 不好意思我还有些不明白
1)如果一个公司A把一个business premises 买给公司B。。
assume 市场价格,CGT eventA1 occur on the sign of contract day.. 不是settlement day。。
然后又把房子从公司B那里租了回来 ,assume 市场价格。。把房子从公司B那里租了回来是在sign contract 之前还是之后呢? 是在settlment 之前还是之后呢? 时间点不一样的到的答案就不一样哦。。
目前是公司A和B之间在商量中 打算A把房子卖给B然后租回来继续用,如果是在sign 卖房的contract 之后租回来 那这是A1 么?如果是之后那应该是什么呢?
2)是按低于房子市价很多的价格卖的,那么算gst的时候按买房子的实际价格除以11算。。innitially一切以invoice 为准。
然后 --买房子的实际价格? 你怎么知道实际价格??在assinment 里面你要assume了。。现实中。。ato会以以该区域的
房子经过评估后的市价是90多万, 但房子却是80多万买的,如果算CGT的话,capital proceeds 被调整成90多万,那算GST的时候还用调整么?是不是用80多万的invoice价格就可以了?
3)买了一个residential premises,然后把它改造成busineess premises--- 改造期间买的家具的 innitial intention是什么? 改造后这些家具能继续做办公用途么?
比如买的是书桌。椅子。这类办公家具 当然是depreciating assets。。
买家具的目的是为了让原来的地方变成更适用于办公的工作场所,会继续使用中,后来这个改造后的办公场所又被卖掉了,然后就不太不清楚这些家具是加到房子的cost base里 还是depreciating assets。刚刚也没太说清楚 不好意思。
再次感谢你的帮助 :)
花点钱找个accountant 。。真要说清楚。。还是很耗时间的
Too late now, I have to go to bed to sleep.
Talk to you tomorrow.
Too sleepy now, see you 2morrow.
Personal Opinion:
1)如果一个公司A把一个business premises 买给公司B,然后又把房子从公司B那里租了回来,那么卖business premises时候的CGT event还是A1么?因为A1的发生除了要求ownership改变 还需要卖方不能继续Beneficially own the asset,不太清楚租回来房子继续用算不算是在beneficially own the asset。
When company A sold the business premises to B company, must be sold at market value. How to determine market value at the time of selling, pay few hundred dollars to estate agent, they can provide you a report. It could be avoid of future problem with ATO if ATO audited both companies' accounts.
After selling property, then company A rented back the property as tenant. There's no beneficially own the asset. However, Company B must rent the premises at market value to Company A.
2)如果公司A买房子给公司B的时候,是按低于房子市价很多的价格卖的,那么算gst的时候,是按买房子的实际价格除以11算,还是按市价除以11算呢?不太清除会不会有什么anti-avoidence rules 会apply
The title transfer from company A to company B, that would be done by lawyer. Did lawyer just prepare a document for land titile transfer or including a formal sale contract? You must check whether you can use margin scheme for GST calculation. If you were allowed to use margin scheme, your GST would be far reduced a lot. Check this with your lawyer or your own company tax accountant.
3)如果一个公司A买了一个residential premises,然后把它改造成business premises,那么改造期间买的家具是算depreciating assets计算折旧呢,还是算在整个房屋的cost base里面呢?
All furniture could be depreciating assets for the business. However, renovation costs would be part of capital works. The company can claim Capital Work Allowance 2.5% prime method from 1st date of use. You can add the written down value to cost base at the time when the property is sold.
Please note that some people might purchase an apartment, then rented out for a period. After few years later, sold out the apartment. The developer normally would supply purchasers Capital Work Schedule and Depreciation Schedule (normally purchasers had to pay extra for this report). The purchaser would claim all depreciation amount for the year as per given by the scedule against their rental income. When purchaser sold out his rental property, all depreciation expenses he has cliamed in the past would have to be added back to reduce the cost base. So thus, increase capital gains.
[ 本帖最后由 cycwong21 于 2012-4-21 23:11 编辑 ]
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