上次的问题 有@sunnytata
的帮助,谢谢 你们。
我的帖子 的名字都会条例性的,大家能帮忙的 嘿嘿,帮助一下,以便以后学澳洲的税法的学子和同志们学习和交流,谢谢
Sam Chi
1。•Inclusionof the amount as assessable income excludes taxpayers who use a cash basis ofrecording from claiming a deduction for bad debts?
在的 deduction for bad debt 的时候,有上面一句话,为什么公司以 cash basis 的时候不能 deduction for bad debts?
2。我在资料上面有过 borrwing expenses of 100 or less are deductible.
但是后面一些例子 都超过了100 不知到为什么?
•Note: Borrowing expenses of $100 or lessare deductible in the year incurred s25-25(6)
3. A gift is described as a personal deduction as it does not relate to the productionof assessable income
对于这句话的困惑是,在计算assessable income 的时候,是不是存在 personal deduction 还有 relate to production 的?
4。 car expenses 可以是 deduction 也可以 是 FBT 大家觉得没有问题吧,但是到底用那一个好,
对的 Car expenses 的四种 方法,有没有高手 给出总结?
Deduction 是一个很重要的环节,小弟去年学了AUD 觉得不难,觉得AUD 虽然是实战的,但是学起来逻辑连贯性的比较强, 好理解。
这学期学了TAX 发现这是实战,和实际生活的呀。才来澳洲一年多,不是很懂工作方面的细节,大家希望帮助一下。。。
1.Q: Inclusion of the amount as assessable income excludes taxpayers who use a cash basis ofrecording from claiming a deduction for bad debts?
在的 deduction for bad debt 的时候,有上面一句话,为什么公司以 cash basis 的时候不能 deduction for bad debts

明白什么是Cash Basis吗? If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you may not take a bad debt deduction for money you expected to receive but did not because that amount was never included in your income (you only included in your income what have been received).
2. Q:我在资料上面有过 borrwing expenses of 100 or less are deductible.
但是后面一些例子 都超过了100 不知到为什么?
•Note: Borrowing expenses of $100 or lessare deductible in the year incurred s25-25(6)
A: 同上 Context/上下文是关键啊 (你是否看过 S25-25 (1)to(5)? 有木有想过例子是有关(1)至(5)的?)
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/leg ... 1997240/s25.25.html
3. Q. A gift is described as a personal deduction as it does not relate to the productionof assessable income
对于这句话的困惑是,在计算assessable income 的时候,是不是存在 personal deduction 还有 relate to production 的?
A: 该从何说起呢? 觉的你的逻辑有点乱,或者说你有跳过章节看书吧, 建议把学过的章节从头好好看看,重点看S6.5 , S8.1和 S8.5 或许你就明白这句话想说什么了
4。Q. car expenses 可以是 deduction 也可以 是 FBT 大家觉得没有问题吧,但是到底用那一个好,
对的 Car expenses 的四种 方法,有没有高手 给出总结?
A: 没有一刀切的答案,到底用那一个好都是看个案的情况的
Car expenses 的四种方法我看ATO总结的不错
http://www.ato.gov.au/individual ... ontent/00216825.htm
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