我的都是海外收入,但是如实申报的,每年没有退税,都是报税后交税.今年要报education tax return,请问这个ATO怎么给我呢,我在ATO没有退税的帐户吧,还是当初申请税号的时候给过ATO,自己怎么知道在ATO有没有帐户,是哪个帐户呢?我自己的帐户有的已经cancel过了...谢谢!
'Tax Return' doesnt necessarily mean you get money back from ATO. In many cases, 'tax return' means you need to pay ATO extra money, such like your previous years tax matters. Tax refund or Tax needs to pay are the consequences of processing your 'Tax Return'.
Now, grats! This year you finally get some money back from ATO. ATO will send you a refund cheque, or direct credit to your bank account if you use electronic fund trasfer.
You TFN is your account with ATO, your bank account is your bank account. These two accounts are not the same.
There is no such a thing called 'education tax return'. It's called education tax refund/rebate/offset. Maybe thats why you are confused?
Anyway be careful to check your eligibility to claim the education tax rebate before you claim it.
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