新买的清洁生意,ato寄来第一个bas表。 option 3 不让填,只能填1和2。 option 1是 calculate gst and report quarterly, option 2是 calculate gst quarterly and report annually. 请问有什么不同啊?我应该选哪个呢
Option 2
You must report amounts at the following labels on your quarterly activity statement:
total sales (G1)
GST on sales (1A), and
GST on purchases (1B).
you must also complete an Annual GST information report to report annual amounts at the following labels:
capital purchases (G10), and
non-capital purchases (G11).
5 statement in total to complete
Option 1
there are only four statements to complete, personally i find it to be easier for your type of business
不过option 1每季度都要填G1, G2, G3, G10, G11, 1A, 1B这7项。 option 2只需要填G1, 1A, 1B而已,只不过option 2多填年度的sales and purchase 的 G2, G3, G10,G11。
这样算起来option 1 要填的是4乘7=28
option 2 是3乘4+4+4=20
还是option 2划算
[ 本帖最后由 无敌小太妹 于 2010-10-10 14:08 编辑 ]
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