我有个朋友 是plaster ABN contractor, 他老婆也有工作,有个未成年的孩子。他们有拿centerlink 的 family tax benefit. 他们问我关于这种家庭性质的报税情况。是要先做tax return 再申请family tax benefit ? 那这个family tax benefit 每年都要重新申请吗?
[ 本帖最后由 xiaoxi8413 于 2010-9-11 18:03 编辑 ]
Your friend needs to do the tax return for both husband and wife, then apply for Family Tax Benefit through Family Assistance Office. FAO will assess their family income every year. Your friend will be asked to fill in a review form and return to FAO.
他们现在就一直拿着政府福利补助的,那就是说每年报完税要再申请一次family tax benefit 吗? 那孩子的花费是不能claim 的吧
tax return 2个人都要做的啊,family tax benefit不影响报税的,但好像是要每年review一次。
你说的什么孩子花费啊?education tax refund?
这个review是FAO在个人递交了tax return 后主动review呢,还是要通知FAO去review。我在centerlink网站上看了关于estimate & actual family income,原来年底报完税后,还要再评估 actual FTB payment。 拿多了福利还要再退回去。 不知道我朋友是怎么预估的年收入
FAO will send you a review form in Aug/Sep (not sure the exact date) to ask you to provide you and your spouse's taxable income for prior year (2010) and estimate taxable income for the next financial year (2011). Based on the taxable income of 2010 financial year, FAO will either give you a lump sum payment for Family Tax Benefit or adjust the FTB paid to you during the year. Based on the estimated taxable income of 2011 financial year, FAO will start pay you FTB for 2011 financial year.
If you haven't received the FAO review form, you should try to contact them.
Some of the expenses for children could be tax deductible/offset, such as
1. medical expenses (if whole family's out-of-pocket medical expenses is greater than $1500),
2. education expenses (if the child is in primary or secondary school & meet certain criteria).
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