我现在帮朋友做tax return,用etax. 他在澳洲用的是working visa. 不是澳洲公民,也没pr.那他是不是就不用交medicare levy? etax 里关于medicare exemption 的有两项
1)you are foreign resident
2) you have a certificate from the Medicare levy exemption certificate showing you were not entitled to medicare benefits because you were a temporary resident of Australia.
第二项还得填个表格,再等approve.请教大家一下,我朋友的这种情况是不是就直接tick “foreign resident" 就行了?
I used to hold a working visa and used etax for tax return, so I think I could answer this question. I don't think your friend should tick the first option because he/she is holding a working visa, so he/she should be an Australian resident for tax purpose. The way I did before was apply a Medicare levy exemption certificate from Medicare and once your got that you could get exempt from medicare levy. Hope this could help.
谢谢楼上的回复。:) 但etax 上写 "if you are not Australian resident,you are exemption from Medicare levy" 请教一下 working visa holder 的人是不是只是“Australian resident on tax purpose" 而不是“Australian resident”。可能这是个挺愚蠢的问题,但我挺纠结的,呵呵~因为如果要申请那个Medicare levy exemption certificate的话,还的联同护照的影印,外加JP的签名。然后还得等至少2个星期等approve。我朋友不想那么麻烦~!
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