请问Non resident的税是怎样算的? 银行的利息收了10%的WITHHOLDING TAX, 但股票收益和分红又按47.5%来收, 所以我有点糊涂了, 哪位TZ能解释一下.我查了ATO的网站, 也没有相关的信息.
generally 30% for dividends, unless an international agreement applies – however, the tax treatment of a dividend will depend on a number of circumstances and whether it has been franked.
If a dividend is from a public company and has been fully franked it has had income tax taken out of it before being paid to a shareholder. No further amount needs to be withheld. If a dividend is partially or completely unfranked, an amount must be withheld from the unfranked amount.
lz之所以被withhold 47.5%是因为没有提供tfn,提供后,depens on franked dividend or not, will withheld 15% or 30% tax from dividend
mmm i agree
但是人在海外的话,怎么能申请TFN呢?我还以为NON RESIDENT买卖股票就不用象我们这样交那么多的税呢.
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