您想多了,Tenants in common是可以的,資本你出99%她出1%也是可以的,不過盈虧一樣對待,利潤或者虧損都是你99%她1%,不可能兩頭都佔好處,稅務局不是傻子。
Three states – New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland – charge additional stamp duty for acquisitions by foreign buyers, ranging between 1 per cent and 5 per cent of the purchase price.
1 FIRB Fees
Properties worth A$1 million or less attract an A$5000 fee, properties up to A$2 million attract a $A10,000 fee and properties up to A$3 million attract an A$20,000 fee. Above A$3 million, add A$10,000 per every additional million.
2 Foreign purchaser additional duty applies
Rates of additional duty
For contracts, transactions, agreements and arrangements entered into:
on or after 1 July 2015 but before 1 July 2016 (even if the settlement date is on or after 1 July 2016), the additional duty rate is 3 per cent,
on or after 1 July 2016, the additional duty rate is 7 per cent
3. Ongoing Fees
Your property will be subject to annual land tax (generally below 1% of the land value) and annual council rates (which pay for garbage pickup and other local services).
而且海外人士非自主不能买二手只能买新房,并且要申请FIRB, 申请费就是5000且不退款,另外还有additional stamp duty , 是海外人士购房比例的8%
简单说100万的房子,你占60%母亲40%, 因为母亲是海外人士所以这个deal要多付的钱是5000+100万x 40%x 8%= 3.7万 , 外加正常的stamp duty税费
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