据托管人员称,破产的公寓开发商未来集团(Ralan Group)自2014年以来一直资不抵债,而且在近期破产前有两套账本,其债务超过5亿澳元。
Ralan 集团的贷款方(包括大银行例如Westpac,NAB和St George,以及Balmain和Wingate等夹层金融机构)展示了一套账簿,声称买家的首付被保存在其信托帐户中。根据自愿托管方Grant Thornton所作的报告,实际上,公寓购买者的首付金额被用于资助Ralan在新南威尔士州和昆士兰州的开发活动。
“托管方的报告显示,Ralan曾使用伪造的信托帐户记录,并展示给贷方,” 悉尼律师Matthew Bransgrove说。他所在的Bransgroves Lawyers律师事务所曾经受雇于Ralan,就如何通过一个澳大利亚金融服务牌照筹集资金提供建议。
Bransgrove先生说, Grant Thornton关于Ralan集团破产的报告引起了人们对Ralan的夹层贷方Wingate对此了解多少的严重质疑。
Bransgroves Lawyers律师事务所代表着458名Ralan集团的受害人,他们指示该律所汇总针对Wingate的集体诉讼的证据。
Bransgrove先生补充说,Wingate需要解释的是,在2014年建筑商Steve Nolan Constructions公司倒闭后,他们怎么会认为Ralan是有偿付能力的;在它知道Ralan集团所有开发项目的单个的财务状况的情况下,他们认为必要的资金来自哪里?
“看上去除非Ralan创始人William O’Dwyer告诉他们,他有一个富有的叔叔最近去世了,或者有其他的办法,而他们真相信他的话,否则就是他们对所发生的事情视而不见,” Bransgrove先生说。
“ Ralan向Wingate提供了证明其偿付能力的财务文件。我们了解到,Ralan的许多其他贷方也获得了相同的证明。Wingate当时从Ralan那里获悉,所需资金可通过Ralan现有的现金余额以及Ralan持有的先前开发项目的剩余公寓的销售中获得。
Grant Thornton表示,管理不善和某些业务部门的发展方向对情况无事于补
Failed apartment developer Ralan Group had been insolvent since 2014 and was running two sets of books in the lead-up to its recent collapse with debts of more than $500m, according to the administrators.
Ralan’s funders — including major banks such as Westpac, NAB and St George, along with mezzanine financiers such as Balmain and Wingate — were shown one set of books alleging buyer deposits were being held in its trust account. In reality, apartment buyers’ deposits were being used to fund Ralan’s development activities in NSW and Queensland, according to the report prepared by voluntary administrator Grant Thornton.
“The administrator’s report discloses that Ralan was keeping falsified trust account records and showing them to lenders,” said Sydney solicitor Matthew Bransgrove, whose firm Bransgroves Lawyers was once retained by Ralan to advise on how to raise money through an Australian Financial Services Licence.
“While it seems astonishing that Westpac and its solicitors would take trust account ledgers prepared in-house at face value, it may explain how Westpac was unaware of the release of purchaser’s deposits, and therefore the illegal debenture scheme.”
Mr Bransgrove said the Grant Thornton report into Ralan’s collapse raised serious questions about how much Ralan’s mezzanine funder, Wingate, knew.
“According to the report the collapse of the group’s builders cost it in excess of $60m. According to the report Ralan was working on five projects at the time, all of which were closed down by the unions, all of which Wingate provided mezzanine finance for,” Mr Bransgrove said.
“When you marry this to the administrator’s opinion that the Ralan Group was insolvent from and as a result of the 2014 collapse of its builder, it seems clear Wingate would have had to have suffered losses at that time.
“When you then consider that Wingate continued to fund Ralan thereafter, it suggests that they either forgave the debt or were made whole from some other source other than their security.”
Bransgroves Lawyers is acting for 458 Ralan victims who have instructed the firm to put together a brief of evidence for a class action against Wingate.
Mr Bransgrove added that Wingate needed to explain how it considered Ralan was solvent after the 2014 collapse of its builder, Steve Nolan Constructions, and where it believed the necessary funds were coming from when it knew the financial circumstances of all the Ralan Group’s developments on an individual basis.
“It seems that unless Ralan founder William O’Dwyer told them he had a rich uncle who had recently died, or some other contrivance, which they genuinely believed him, they were being wilfully blind to what was going on,” Mr Bransgrove said.
In a statement, Wingate said it had not suffered any losses from Ralan’s collapse. A Wingate spokesman said Ralan was regarded by lenders, builders, purchasers and investors as a strong counter party with a positive track record.
“The Ralan issues with its former builder is a matter for Ralan, but we can confirm that as a secured lender to Ralan, Wingate suffered no loss, nor did we forgive the debt,” Wingate said.
“Ralan provided Wingate with financial documentation that demonstrated solvency. We understand that the many other lenders with Ralan were provided the same. Wingate was advised by Ralan that funds required were available from a combination of existing Ralan cash balances and sales of residual apartments from prior developments that Ralan was holding at the time.”
The report also reveals apartment purchasers were given the opportunity to release their apartment deposit in exchange for earning a 15-20 per cent capitalised interest investment that was to be deducted from the amount owing on the apartment at the time of settlement.
The report found that the buyers, mostly mainland Chinese-born, were also paying deposits on apartments of 10 per cent, reaping the 15-20 per cent interest rates, and rescinding their contract before completion at no penalty.
The report alleged the decision by Ralan’s builder to increase the cost of building a second apartment tower by an extra $95m and a third Gold Coast tower by $100m had partially led to Ralan’s collapse. It said the Ralan business model was undercapitalised with limited equity that replicated a partial Ponzi scheme. At least 15 of Ralan’s developments were loss-making.
Grant Thornton said poor management and the direction of certain business units had not helped.
Some owners released more than their deposits in return for interest of up to $6.3 million in one case.
Other unsecured creditors and non-apartment buyers also "lent" money to Ralan through "fund raising" events. Some of these creditors have lent more than $2 million each.
Mr O'Dwyer also withdrew some money from the company. Grant Thornton's analysis of cashflow between 2016 and 2019 indicated he spent some of it on personal expenses and bitcoin. ... ebt-20191127-p53ekb
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